AQW 26511/11-15 Mr Daithí McKay Sinn Féin North Antrim
Tabled Date: 01/10/2013 Answered On Date: 11/10/2013 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister for Regional Development what correspondence there has been between Translink and bus providers regarding cycling storage facilities on buses.
Translink have not had any direct contact with manufacturers regarding cycle racks since the trial mentioned in AQWs 26029/11-15 and 26367/11-15. However, it maintains a watching brief on all such developments within the industry. If a device/methodology emerges which appears to be suitable for operation in the NI environment, Translink have been asked to give it due consideration. The Department sets broad targets for Translink in terms of bus fleet age and accessibility and must assess Translink proposals in terms of value for money. Cycling storage facilities on buses can be considered as one of a range of issues going forward.