AQW 27952/11-15

Mr Colum Eastwood
Social Democratic and Labour Party

Tabled Date: 07/11/2013
Answered On Date: 19/11/2013
Priority Written: No

To ask the Minister for Employment and Learning how many Civil Service posts existed in his Department on 1 January 2012 and 1 January 2013 at (i) Administrative Assistant; (ii) Administrative Officer; (iii) Executive Officer 2; (iv) Executive Officer 1; (v) Staff Officer; (vi) Deputy Principal; (vii) Grade 7; and (viii) Grade 6 levels, broken down by local council area.

The total number of posts within the Department for Employment and Learning at
1 January 2012 and 1 January 2013 is summarised below*. The figures are based on Staff in Post (Full Time Equivalent) plus vacant posts in the General Service Grades specified. A breakdown by grade and local Council area for each period is provided in Annex A and Annex B respectively which I have placed in the Assembly Library and on the DEL website.
Total Number of posts at 1 January 2012
Total Number of posts at 1 January 2013
*As information is not held by Human Resources in relation to the dates specified in
the question, statistics are provided in relation to the closest dates available, i.e. 3 January 2012 and 12 December 2012 respectively.