AQW 36764/11-15 Mr Peter Weir Democratic Unionist Party North Down
Tabled Date: 01/10/2014 Answered On Date: 14/10/2014 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister of the Environment to detail the (i) general; (ii) resource; and (iii) other grants provided by his Department to local councils, in each of the last five years.
Annex A attached provides the information requested. For information purposes, the General Grant to Local Councils consisted of the Resources and De-Rating Grants up to March 2012. Since April 2012, the General Grant is now referred to as two separate grants i.e. the De-Rating Grant and the Rates Support Grant (previously referred to as the Resources Grant). Both the De-Rating Grant and the Rates Support Grant details are included at Annex A. Please note that a copy of this document will be placed in the Assembly Library.