AQW 39499/11-15 Mr Michael Copeland Ulster Unionist Party East Belfast
Tabled Date: 28/11/2014 Answered On Date: 15/12/2014 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to detail (i) the total level of capital receipts generated by her Department in each year since 2011; (ii) each individual asset; (iii) its location; (iv) when it was sold; (v) by whom it was purchased; and (vi) for how much it was sold.
The total proceeds from the sale of capital items generated by DARD for the following three financial years since 2011 is: 2011/12£689,242 2012/13£49,936 2013/14£101,491 Details of individual asset sales are in the attached spreadsheet, a copy of which has been placed in the Assembly Library.