AQO 8227/11-15

Mr Alex Attwood
Social Democratic and Labour Party
West Belfast

Tabled Date: 06/05/2015
Answered On Date: 19/05/2015
Priority Written: No

To ask the Minister for Social Development for an update on the budget and waiting lists for home adaptations for people with disabilities.

The Housing Executive has advised that the Capital Extensions budget for 2015/16 for adaptations for a person with a disability has been set at £4m. The minor adaptation budget - which includes heating, showers and lifts - is a further £2.7m.
Although adaptations are generally demand led, there are currently 299 schemes programmed for 2015/16 including 227 extensions and 43 stair lifts.
The Housing Executive has further advised that it does not hold a waiting list for adaptations to Housing Association properties, but does however manage the administration of Disabled Adaptations Grant payable to Housing Associations for the adaptation of their properties to meet the specific requirements of tenants. Disabled Adaptation Grants are paid out of the Housing Association Grant budget, and £1.2m was spent on this in 2014/15.
Turning to the private housing sector, Disabled Facilities Grants are available to owner occupiers, tenants and private landlords to make adaptations. The Housing Executive has indicated that it anticipates a target of 900 Disabled Facilities Grants approvals in 2015/16 with an indicative budget of around £10m.