AQW 47575/11-15

Mr Phil Flanagan
Sinn Féin
Fermanagh and South Tyrone

Tabled Date: 23/06/2015
Answered On Date: 08/07/2015
Priority Written: No

To ask the Minister for Social Development to detail (i) the number of properties that have been completed under the Affordable Warmth programme in this financial year; (ii) how this compares with the same period in 2014/15; and (iii) the reasoning behind the difference in figures in 2014/2015 and 2015/2016.

To date in 2015/16, 123 homes have had energy efficiency measures installed under the Affordable Warmth Scheme. The Affordable Warmth Scheme was launched in September 2014 and became fully operational in April 2015. Therefore, there is no comparison that can be made between the first quarter of this financial year and the first quarter of 2014/15.
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