AQW 50229/11-16

Mr Robin Swann
Ulster Unionist Party
North Antrim

Tabled Date: 02/11/2015
Answered On Date: 13/11/2015
Priority Written: No

To ask the Minister for Social Development to detail what responsibility he has for addressing homelessness.

As Minister for Social Development I have responsibility for addressing homelessness in Northern Ireland. The Northern Ireland Housing Executive has statutory responsibility for responding to homelessness. My Department chairs the Homelessness Strategy Steering Group that oversees the implementation of the Homeless Strategy by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and partner organisations.
Whilst in office as Minister for Social Development I have visited many organisations involved in addressing homelessness and I have seen at first hand the issues faced by these organisations and heard from those who have experienced homelessness. This year, my Department has allocated £27 million to homeless related services through the Supporting People Programme, administered by the Housing Executive. This funding provides practical assistance such as temporary accommodation and funding to support organisations.
From 2010-15 there has been a decrease in the number of people presenting as homeless in Northern Ireland by around 3% reducing from 20,158 to 19,621 with the trend in households accepted as statutorily homeless remaining stable over the 5 year period at around 50% of applicants.