AQW 55217/11-16 Ms Claire Sugden Independent East Londonderry
Tabled Date: 07/03/2016 Answered On Date: 23/03/2016 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister for Social Development to detail how the needs of vulnerable adults that are Northern Ireland Housing Executive customers are (i) assessed; (ii) identified; and (iii) met, to ensure they are safeguarded.
When any person approaches the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) for a service, whether it’s a new housing applicant or an existing tenant, staff will assess their housing associated needs and advise on or recommend further support if this is deemed necessary for the person/family and their housing circumstances. Often, when the needs are more complex, or staff are not qualified to assist, the issue will be referred directly to the individual’s GP or Social Worker. Housing Executive staff are aware that it is part of their role to ensure that those organisations that have a responsibility to help people who are vulnerable are informed as appropriate. Safeguarding vulnerable people is a high priority for the Housing Executive and it has policies and procedures in place to address this. The policies and procedures are communicated to Housing Executive staff in a number of ways and a team of Designated Safeguarding Officers have been appointed, in a range of locations, to give direct access for staff members who need advice, support or who wish to make referrals to Social Services and or the PSNI. Many of the NIHE’s services are provided to assist vulnerable adults, such as homelessness services and services provided through the Supporting People Programme. While these services are not normally delivered directly by NIHE but through external providers, NIHE ensures that the providers have appropriate policies in place, that they communicate them effectively to staff and that they are properly enforced. The Housing Executive’s policies on Safeguarding clearly state that any organisation, that acts as an agent for the Housing Executive, or provides services for the Housing Executive, on the basis of an agreement or contract, must have Safeguarding policies and procedures that are of an equivalent standard to the Housing Executive’s. This provision is supported by contractual documentation and the offer of training provided by the NIHE to the service provider/contractor. Providers funded through the Supporting People programme are not legally contractors or consultants. Rather, the Supporting People funding agreements create an independent funding relationship which is not analogous to an employer/contractor relationship. The Housing Executive use the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) to assess and validate the quality of service, of which a core objective requires providers to have robust policies and procedures in place for safeguarding and protecting adults and children, that they have been reviewed in the last three years and, are in accordance with current legislation. The obligation for vetting employees lies with the service provider. This responsibility remains with the recipient of the funding agreement, regardless of whether or not they sub-contract the agreement or any part of the agreement with or without consent.