AQW 3977/16-21 Mr Steven Agnew Green Party North Down
Tabled Date: 26/09/2016 Answered On Date: 07/10/2016 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister for Communities to outline the criteria developed in relation to Discretionary Housing Payments to ensure (i) private rental tenants are not impacted by the opening up of the payments to social sector tenants; and (ii) that social tenants impacted by the removal of the family premium or the benefit cap can access payments.
Discretionary Housing Payments are administered by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive. Housing Benefit claimants living in the private rented sector, who require further assistance with housing costs above and beyond their Housing Benefit payment may apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment. The Department for Communities allocates a budget to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive on an annual basis, which the Housing Executive manages in such a way as to ensure that Discretionary Housing Payments are available to tenants in greatest need throughout the year. Housing Executive decision makers determine each application on its own merits. From 5 September 2016, Discretionary Housing Payments are also available to tenants in the social sector impacted by the removal of the family premium. This will ensure that those in receipt of a partial award of Housing Benefit, for example, those claimants who work part-time and are therefore not entitled to full Housing Benefit, are not adversely impacted by this change. This ensures that social sector tenants are not unduly affected by this reform to Housing Benefit. For the majority of claimants whose Housing Benefit has or will be restricted by the application of the Benefit Cap, Supplementary Welfare Payments will be available as agreed in the Fresh Start Agreement. From 7 November 2016, Discretionary Housing Payments will be available to anyone in the social sector impacted by the Benefit Cap and who is not entitled to a Welfare Supplementary Payment. Discretionary Housing Payments are designed as a short-term measure to provide financial assistance to those Housing Benefit claimants who require further financial assistance to meet housing costs.