AQW 5256/16-21 Mrs Naomi Long Alliance Party East Belfast
Tabled Date: 13/10/2016 Answered On Date: 26/10/2016 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister for Communities how the Northern Ireland Housing Executive monitors incidents of intimidation of racial minorities accepting social housing offers.
Where a social housing offer has been accepted and the tenant subsequently terminates his/her tenancy, the Housing Executive has monitoring mechanisms in place to collate information regarding the reasons for termination. These include circumstances where there is alleged intimidation. If the intimidation takes the form of physical damage, the Housing Executive has monitoring information through use of the Hate Incident Practical Action (HIPA) scheme. The HIPA scheme is available across Northern Ireland to support victims of hate incidents in their homes. It is supported by the Department of Justice, the Police Service of Northern Ireland, the Housing Executive and the Department for Communities. The scheme is available to owner-occupiers, tenants in privately rented accommodation , Housing Executive properties and has recently been extended to cover Housing Association properties.