AQW 5258/16-21 Mrs Naomi Long Alliance Party East Belfast
Tabled Date: 13/10/2016 Answered On Date: 26/10/2016 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister for Communities to outline what discussions and collaboration takes place in communities to support social housing tenants, with particular reference to racial minorities that are experiencing intimidation and attacks on their property, to continue to hold their tenancy.
The Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s (NIHE) Race Relations Officer works closely with the minority ethnic community to ensure their services and support are tailored to the needs of their new communities. The NIHE provide support to individual victims of racist hate crime to enable them to continue to hold their tenancy which will vary depending on their needs and wishes as well as a range of external factors and local circumstances. They work in partnership with the PSNI, local groups, and a range of other agencies to identify the level of any threat, the potential for repeat attacks and to see if a solution can be developed to support a tenant to sustain their tenancy. They also support a range of initiatives to address hate harassment, anti-social behaviour and fear of crime in their estates. Examples of these are community safety warden schemes, street pastors, home security schemes, good morning services, diversionary activities, physical works to communal areas and intergenerational workshops. Through partnership with Northern Ireland Association for Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NIACRO) the NIHE provide a floating support service which gives assistance to people whose tenancy may be at risk due to harassment or intimidation because of their ethnicity. If the intimidation takes the form of physical damage, the HIPA scheme (Hate Incident Practical Action Scheme) is available across Northern Ireland to support victims of hate incidents in their homes. It is supported by the Department of Justice, the Police Service of Northern Ireland, the NIHE and my Department. The scheme is available to owner-occupiers, tenants in privately rented accommodation, NIHE properties and has recently been extended to cover Housing Association properties.