AQW 5387/16-21

Mr Steven Agnew
Green Party
North Down

Tabled Date: 14/10/2016
Answered On Date: 05/12/2016
Priority Written: No

To ask the Minister for the Economy for a breakdown of the expenditure by Invest NI's subsidiary NI-CO on its security and justice projects with Bahrain and Egypt since (i) 2012; and (ii) 2015, including salaries, travel and any material contributions made to either country.

In Bahrain NI-CO was selected to assist in the delivery of the technical assistance projects by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). NI-CO working in Egypt was selected by the European Commission as part of a European Consortium. The UK FCO and the European Union provide financial funding to NI-CO for the expenditure in these projects as follows:
Since 2012, NI-CO has received funding of £1.457million from the FCO for projects in Bahrain and £105,000 for projects in Egypt. This includes salaries and travel, NI-CO has not made any material contributions to these projects.
Since 2015, NI-CO has received funding of £1.363million from the FCO for the Bahrain projects and £105,000 for the Egypt projects. This includes salaries and travel, NI-CO has not made any material contributions to this project.