AQW 6012/16-21 Mr Steven Agnew Green Party North Down
Tabled Date: 24/10/2016 Answered On Date: 08/11/2016 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister for Communities to outline the criteria for applying for Discretionary Housing Payment.
The Housing Executive has advised that the criteria for applying for Discretionary Housing Payments are as follows:- Applicants must be already in receipt of Housing Benefit to claim a Discretionary Housing Payment. In addition there must be a shortfall between the rent charged and the eligible rent used in the calculation of Housing Benefit (Local Housing Allowance) and/or from 5th September 2016 for new and existing tenants who are affected by the loss of Family Premium in the calculation of Housing Benefit. An applicant must show that they require further financial assistance. Applications for Discretionary Housing Payments must be made in writing or by using the application form. The budget for Discretionary Housing Payments is an annual cash limited budget provided by the Department for Communities (DfC), therefore Discretionary Housing Payments cannot be guaranteed. Each application will be considered on its own merits, there is no list of circumstances that will automatically qualify someone for a Discretionary Housing Payment. Discretionary Housing Payments cannot be greater than the shortfall between the rent charged and the eligible rent or the difference between the current Housing Benefit entitlement and entitlement if Family Premium had been awarded. Discretionary Housing Payments are paid for a set period which is usually up to the end of a financial year. Applicants can ask us to look at the decision again (within one month) if a Discretionary Housing Payment application is refused or reduced. As an award of discretionary housing payment is not an award of Housing Benefit, it cannot be appealed with The Appeals Service (TAS).