AQW 1772/17-22 Ms Clare Bailey Green Party South Belfast
Tabled Date: 07/02/2020 Answered On Date: 26/02/2020 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister for Communities what is the average length of stay for people accessing emergency homeless accommodation in (i) Annesgate hostel; and (ii) Centenary House.
The Housing Executive does not record the average length of stay for individual hostels. The Homelessness Strategy Year 2 Annual Progress Report ( provides details of the average length of stay for all placements provided by the Housing Executive across the five categories of temporary accommodation. Both Annesgate Hostel and Centenary House are within the Voluntary Sector Hostels category, with further details on the average length of stay for 2018/19 provided in the table below: Accommodation Type | Average Length of Placement (Days) | Single Lets | 437 | DIME (Dispersed Intensively Managed Emergency Accommodation) | 128 | Voluntary Sector Hostels | 231 | Housing Executive Hostels | 208 | Hotel/B&B | 18 | All | 281 |