AQW 3227/17-22 Mr William Humphrey Democratic Unionist Party North Belfast
Tabled Date: 05/03/2020 Answered On Date: 24/03/2020 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister of Justice to confirm the current usage of the Old Townhall Building, Victoria Street, Belfast.
The Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service is developing an Estates Strategy to identify the optimal configuration of the NICTS Estate to meet future users’ needs. No decision has been taken on the long-term future of any courthouses, including Old Town Hall. Old Town Hall, which is currently vacant, has been placed on the ‘Heritage at Risk’ register maintained by the Historic Environment Division (HED). A Conservation Management Plan for Old Town Hall is being developed. A recent building condition survey for Old Town Hall has highlighted the need to address internal and external building fabric issues. It is not possible to provide a timeframe for undertaking this work until the findings of the Conservation Management Plan have been fully considered.