AQW 9608/17-22

Mrs Pam Cameron
Democratic Unionist Party
South Antrim

Tabled Date: 03/11/2020
Answered On Date: 13/11/2020
Priority Written: No

To ask the Minister of Health for an update on the feasibility of outcome-based payment for cancer medicines.

A three phase research study on outcomes-based payments for cancer medicines is being taken forward in England by the Office for Health Economics, RAND Europe and King’s College London, in conjunction with Greater Manchester Health Partnership. Early work has been published and phase two will now examine key uncertainties and barriers that have been identified in the first phase report. If taken forward, the study’s third phase will carry out a live pilot of an outcomes-based payments scheme within Greater Manchester, based on the principles set out in the first phase report. The implications of the study can be considered once the research has concluded.