AQW 9609/17-22 Mrs Pam Cameron Democratic Unionist Party South Antrim
Tabled Date: 03/11/2020 Answered On Date: 17/11/2020 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister of Health for an update on the establishment of safe settings for blood cancer patients in which critical blood cancer treatment can be administered.
All Health and Social Care Trusts are following current infection control procedures including appropriate use of personal protective equipment, hand hygiene and environmental cleaning. All patients who require admission to hospital will continue to be screened through the mandatory screening programme of testing before admission. Following the COVID-19 outbreak at Craigavon Area Hospital’s haematology ward earlier this year, the Public Health Agency has been working closely with all Health and Social Care Trusts, alongside Public Health England, to ensure that any immediate learning is being shared effectively across the region in order to minimise the risk of further outbreaks. This has unfortunately involved restrictions to visiting on haematology wards, and further infection control measures will be progressed as appropriate. Whilst COVID-19 continues to have a severe impact on cancer diagnostic and treatment services, particularly during the current surge in hospital admissions, the resumption of screening, diagnosis and treatment for all cancer patients in clinically safe environments is being given the utmost priority by my Department. Furthermore, Oncology and Haematology Stabilisation Plans focus on new ways of delivering services which reduce hospital footfall and make better use of staff resources, particularly in the context of COVID, including the use of virtual clinics to facilitate remote patient assessment and review. Patients are therefore asked to come to hospital only where intervention or treatment are required. These plans can be viewed on the Departments website at: