AQW 4691/22-27

Mrs Pam Cameron
Democratic Unionist Party
South Antrim

Tabled Date: 14/10/2022
Answered On Date: 26/10/2022
Priority Written: No

To ask the Minister of Health which Health and Social Care Trusts are currently providing ADHD assessment and support services for adults.

While ADHD services are not currently commissioned in Northern Ireland, the Belfast, South-Eastern, and Western Trusts have confirmed they do provide support and assessment for those with ADHD. Whilst the Northern Trust provides support they are not accepting new referrals for assessment; instead, it is holding a register of those referred. Funding for this has been provided internally and the Trusts have stated this is not sustainable in the long term. The Southern Trust have indicated that they are not adequately resourced to provide support or assessment, in respect of personnel and training.
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition rather than a mental illness, and expertise in its diagnosis and treatment does not exist naturally within adult mental health services. Licensing of medication for adults is relatively recent, and the majority of knowledge and service structure for ADHD sit within paediatric medicine.
You may wish to note that the NICE Clinical Guideline Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Diagnosis and Management - NG 87 has been updated (in 2018) and endorsed by the Department of Health (DoH) as applicable to Northern Ireland. The assessment, diagnosis, care and treatment for adults with ADHD will require investment in a commissioned service if the NICE Guideline for Adult ADHD is to be implemented.
DoH Strategic Planning and Performance Group (SPPG) is currently considering a paper on the position of Adult ADHD services which will be discussed with the Department in due course.