Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQW 8588/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister for Communities to list the arts and culture projects funded in (i) 2011; (ii) 2012; (iii) 2013; (iv) 2014; (v) 2015; and (vi) 2016, broken down by county.
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| 06/12/2016 |
Answered on 15/12/2016
AQW 8587/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister for Communities for (i) an update on the Strategy for Culture & Arts 2016-2026; and (ii) a timeline for implementation.
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| 06/12/2016 |
Answered on 15/12/2016
AQW 8586/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister for Communities to outline his anticipated budget allocation towards (i) capital; and (ii) resource funding in relation to arts and culture for May 2016 to March 2021.
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| 06/12/2016 |
Answered on 15/12/2016
AQW 8585/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister for Communities for a breakdown of (i) capital; and (ii) resource funding in relation to arts and culture in between May 2011and March 2016.
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| 06/12/2016 |
Answered on 15/12/2016
AQW 8242/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister of Education given the health and safety issues and that a classroom has to be turned into a dinner room every day, and children have to sit on the floor during the time, whether St. Mary's Primary School, Barr will be included in the Special Enhancement Programme.
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| 30/11/2016 |
Answered on 21/12/2016
AQW 7817/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail the percentage; and number of children that achieved at least three A-Levels at grade A*-C in schools in (a) South Down; and (b) Newry and Armagh in each year from 1996 to 2016; broken down by (i) gender; (ii) community background; and (iii) socio-economic background.
+ Display Answer
| 23/11/2016 |
Answered on 07/12/2016
AQW 7816/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail the (i) percentage; and (ii) number of children that achieved at least three A-levels at grade A* to C in each year from 1996 to 2016; broken down by (a) gender; (b) community background; and (c) socio-economic background.
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| 23/11/2016 |
Answered on 07/12/2016
AQW 7486/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister of Health how her Department plans to accommodate each of Muscular Dystrophy's six Muscle Pledges.
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| 21/11/2016 |
Answered on 29/12/2016
AQW 6379/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail (i) the number; and (ii) percentage of young people with special needs in each post-primary school in (a) Newry; (b) Warrenpoint; (c) Kilkeel; (d) Downpatrick; (e) Ballynahinch; (f) Crossgar; and (g) Newcastle.
+ Display Answer
| 27/10/2016 |
Answered on 10/11/2016
AQW 6378/16-21
Ms Caitríona Ruane
(SF - South Down)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail (i) the number; and (ii) percentage of young people on free school meals in each post-primary school in (a) Newry; (b) Warrenpoint; (c) Kilkeel; (d) Downpatrick; (e) Ballynahinch; (f) Crossgar; and (g) Newcastle.
+ Display Answer
| 27/10/2016 |
Answered on 10/11/2016