Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQO 8980/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to outline any discussion she has had with the Minister of Justice and the PSNI in relation to rural crime in Fermanagh and South Tyrone.
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| 15/10/2015 |
Answered on 03/11/2015
AQO 8966/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Social Development to outline the current area in hectares of both surplus and undeveloped land owned by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.
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| 15/10/2015 |
Answered on 03/11/2015
AQW 50184/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the latest waiting times for patients in the South West Acute Hospital.
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| 23/10/2015 |
Answered on 01/12/2015
AQW 50183/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Education for an update on the new build for Devenish School, Enniskillen, including the timescale for the project.
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| 23/10/2015 |
Answered on 27/10/2015
AQO 8914/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Regional Development for an update on the widening of the A32 between Omagh and Enniskillen.
| 08/10/2015 |
Question Withdrawn
AQO 8792/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment to detail the role his Department or its agencies have in promoting and providing tourism signage.
| 24/09/2015 |
To be answered on 05/10/2015
AQO 8628/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure what discussions she has had to establish a Centre of Sporting Excellence in Fermanagh.
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| 03/09/2015 |
Answered on 15/09/2015
AQW 48331/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Justice what progress has been made to meet the Programme for Government 11-15 commitment to reform and modernise the Prison Service.
+ Display Answer
| 02/09/2015 |
Answered on 10/09/2015
AQW 48330/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Justice what progress has been made to meet the Programme for Government 11-15 commitment to improve community safety by tackling anti-social behaviour.
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| 02/09/2015 |
Answered on 10/09/2015
AQW 48329/11-16
Mr Neil Somerville
(UUP - Fermanagh and South Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Justice what progress has been made to meet the Programme for Government 11-15 commitment to tackle crime against older and vulnerable people by more effective and appropriate sentences and other measures.
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| 02/09/2015 |
Answered on 10/09/2015