
Promoting On Farm Investment

Promoting On Farm Investment
That this Assembly believes investment in new and replacement farm buildings is essential to improving agriculture’s environmental footprint in Northern Ireland; criticises the decision to drop the published Ammonia Standing Advice used by the NIEA to assess the air quality impacts associated with many planning applications; recalls that this decision was made without Ministerial approval or prior consultation; notes with concern recent research conducted by KPMG on behalf of the Northern Ireland agri-food industry, which found that more stringent ammonia regulation could lead to fewer successful planning applications, a 20 to 25 per cent decline in on farm investment and reduce family farm incomes by up to 38 per cent in some sectors; calls on the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to acknowledge that the investment in, and modernisation of, farm facilities will promote animal welfare and reduce future emissions; further calls on the Minister to reject policies which constrain plans to invest in and modernise farm facilities; and calls on the Minister to place the needs of primary producers and consultation with the agri-food industry at the forefront of any new ammonia strategy.
Private Members' Motion
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68 Members voted

50 Members voted AYE

18 Members voted NO

The Motion Was Carried, Simple Majority Lobby Division

MLA NameDesignationVoted
Mr Jim Allister KC UnionistAYE
Dr Caoimhe Archibald NationalistAYE
Mr Danny Baker NationalistAYE
Mr Doug Beattie MC UnionistAYE
Mr John Blair OtherNO
Mr Maurice Bradley UnionistAYE
Ms Paula Bradshaw OtherNO
Miss Nicola Brogan NationalistAYE
Mr David Brooks UnionistAYE
Ms Cheryl Brownlee UnionistAYE
Mr Tom Buchanan UnionistAYE
Ms Joanne Bunting UnionistAYE
Mr Robbie Butler UnionistAYE
Mr Alan Chambers UnionistAYE
Mr Trevor Clarke UnionistAYE
Mr Pádraig Delargy NationalistAYE
Mr Stewart Dickson OtherNO
Mrs Linda Dillon NationalistAYE
Mrs Diane Dodds UnionistAYE
Mr Danny Donnelly OtherNO
Mr Stephen Dunne UnionistAYE
Mr Mark Durkan NationalistNO
Ms Connie Egan OtherNO
Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard UnionistAYE
Mrs Sinéad Ennis NationalistAYE
Mrs Deborah Erskine UnionistAYE
Mrs Ciara Ferguson NationalistAYE
Miss Órlaithí Flynn NationalistAYE
Ms Diane Forsythe UnionistAYE
Mr Paul Frew UnionistAYE
Mr Colm Gildernew NationalistAYE
Mr Paul Givan UnionistAYE
Miss Deirdre Hargey NationalistAYE
Mr Harry Harvey UnionistAYE
Mr David Honeyford OtherNO
Mr William Irwin UnionistAYE
Mr Gerry Kelly NationalistAYE
Ms Liz Kimmins NationalistAYE
Mr Brian Kingston UnionistAYE
Mrs Naomi Long OtherNO
Mr Gordon Lyons UnionistAYE
Mr Declan McAleer NationalistAYE
Miss Nuala McAllister OtherNO
Mr Philip McGuigan NationalistAYE
Miss Michelle McIlveen UnionistAYE
Ms Sinéad McLaughlin NationalistNO
Mr Andrew McMurray OtherNO
Mr Justin McNulty NationalistAYE
Mr Peter McReynolds OtherNO
Mrs Cathy Mason NationalistAYE
Mr Nick Mathison OtherNO
Mr Andrew Muir OtherNO
Ms Sian Mulholland OtherNO
Miss Áine Murphy NationalistAYE
Mr Conor Murphy NationalistAYE
Mr Mike Nesbitt UnionistAYE
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín NationalistAYE
Ms Kate Nicholl OtherNO
Mr John O'Dowd NationalistAYE
Ms Michelle O'Neill NationalistAYE
Mr Matthew O'Toole NationalistNO
Ms Aisling Reilly NationalistAYE
Mr Alan Robinson UnionistAYE
Mr Pat Sheehan NationalistAYE
Ms Emma Sheerin NationalistAYE
Mr John Stewart UnionistAYE
Ms Claire Sugden UnionistAYE
Mr Eóin Tennyson OtherNO

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