
Delays to Flagship Maternity and Children’s Hospital Project

Delays to Flagship Maternity and Children’s Hospital Project
That this Assembly deplores the lack of progress, and action, towards transforming our health service since the restoration of the Executive; believes it is unacceptable, given that the Department of Health accounts for over half of all day-to-day spend from the public purse, that people across Northern Ireland have experienced little practical benefit, with hundreds of thousands languishing on waiting lists or struggling to access timely health and social care; points out that the recent draft framework for the reconfiguration of hospitals lacks detail, as well as concrete plans for reform; is concerned that the flagship Maternity and Children’s Hospital project has been beset by unprecedented delays and eye-watering costs, driven largely by the contamination of water systems on the Royal Victoria site; expresses alarm that the Children’s Hospital, in particular, will not be operational before 2030, ten years later than anticipated; and calls on the Minister of Health to ensure these failings cannot be repeated by commissioning a full and independent inquiry into the handling of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital project to date, including the handover of the Maternity Hospital to Belfast Health and Social Care Trust in March 2024.
Private Members' Motion
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70 Members voted

61 Members voted AYE

9 Members voted NO

The Motion Was Carried, Simple Majority Lobby Division

MLA NameDesignationVoted
Dr Steve Aiken OBE UnionistNO
Dr Caoimhe Archibald NationalistAYE
Ms Diana Armstrong UnionistNO
Ms Kellie Armstrong OtherAYE
Mr Doug Beattie MC UnionistNO
Mr John Blair OtherAYE
Mr Maurice Bradley UnionistAYE
Mr Phillip Brett UnionistAYE
Miss Nicola Brogan NationalistAYE
Mr David Brooks UnionistAYE
Ms Cheryl Brownlee UnionistAYE
Mr Keith Buchanan UnionistAYE
Mr Tom Buchanan UnionistAYE
Mr Jonathan Buckley UnionistAYE
Ms Joanne Bunting UnionistAYE
Mr Robbie Butler UnionistNO
Mrs Pam Cameron UnionistAYE
Mr Gerry Carroll OtherNO
Mr Alan Chambers UnionistNO
Mr Trevor Clarke UnionistAYE
Mr Colin Crawford UnionistNO
Mr Stewart Dickson OtherAYE
Mrs Linda Dillon NationalistAYE
Mrs Diane Dodds UnionistAYE
Miss Jemma Dolan NationalistAYE
Mr Mark Durkan NationalistAYE
Mrs Sinéad Ennis NationalistAYE
Mrs Deborah Erskine UnionistAYE
Mrs Ciara Ferguson NationalistAYE
Miss Órlaithí Flynn NationalistAYE
Ms Diane Forsythe UnionistAYE
Mr Paul Frew UnionistAYE
Mr Colm Gildernew NationalistAYE
Mr Paul Givan UnionistAYE
Mrs Michelle Guy OtherAYE
Miss Deirdre Hargey NationalistAYE
Mr Harry Harvey UnionistAYE
Mr David Honeyford OtherAYE
Ms Cara Hunter NationalistAYE
Mr William Irwin UnionistAYE
Mr Declan Kearney NationalistAYE
Ms Liz Kimmins NationalistAYE
Mr Brian Kingston UnionistAYE
Mrs Emma Little-Pengelly UnionistAYE
Mr Gordon Lyons UnionistAYE
Mr Declan McAleer NationalistAYE
Miss Nuala McAllister OtherAYE
Mr Daniel McCrossan NationalistAYE
Mr Patsy McGlone NationalistAYE
Mr Colin McGrath NationalistAYE
Mr Philip McGuigan NationalistAYE
Mr Maolíosa McHugh NationalistAYE
Miss Michelle McIlveen UnionistAYE
Mr Andrew McMurray OtherAYE
Mr Justin McNulty NationalistAYE
Mr Peter McReynolds OtherAYE
Mr Peter Martin UnionistAYE
Mrs Cathy Mason NationalistAYE
Mr Nick Mathison OtherAYE
Mr Gary Middleton UnionistAYE
Mr Andrew Muir OtherAYE
Miss Áine Murphy NationalistAYE
Mr Mike Nesbitt UnionistNO
Mr John O'Dowd NationalistAYE
Ms Aisling Reilly NationalistAYE
Mr Alan Robinson UnionistAYE
Mr Pat Sheehan NationalistAYE
Ms Emma Sheerin NationalistAYE
Mr John Stewart UnionistNO
Mr Eóin Tennyson OtherAYE

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