
All-Island Rail Fares

All-Island Rail Fares
That this Assembly notes with concern the growing disparity in the cost of rail fares between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland; acknowledges the significant role of affordable public transport in promoting social mobility, reducing carbon emissions, and facilitating economic growth across the island of Ireland; recognises that Northern Ireland’s lack of ambition in relation to public transport has led to significant fare imbalances, creating inequality for cross-border commuters; and calls on the Minister for Infrastructure to work with the Minister of Finance and the Minister for the Economy to bring forward proposals to better align rail fares between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the context of the All-Island Strategic Rail Review and to undertake an assessment of the feasibility of creating a unified fare structure for cross-border rail services that encourages greater economic integration, reduces barriers to movement, and promotes regional development across the island of Ireland.
Private Members' Motion
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