Question Results

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Note: [R] indicates a registered declaration of interest
 Ref NoMemberQuestionStatus
1 AQO 9349/11-16 Mr Fearghal McKinney
(SDLP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development what assurances she can give that her Department is efficiently and effectively administrating the Direct Payment Scheme for qualifying farmers that have had inspections in 2015.

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2 AQO 9350/11-16 Mr Samuel Gardiner MBE
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for an update on proposals for a replacement for the Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Framework 2011-2015.

View Official Report for AQO 9350/11-16
3 AQO 9351/11-16 Mr Alex Maskey
(SF - West Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development how her Tackling Rural Poverty and Social Isolation Framework 2011-2015 has met its objectives.

View Official Report for AQO 9351/11-16
4 AQO 9352/11-16 Mr Jim Wells
(DUP - South Down)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for her assessment of compliance with the EU Council Directive 1999/74/EC on the Welfare of Laying Hens.

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5 AQO 9353/11-16 Mr Oliver McMullan
(SF - East Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development what impact the recent approval of local pork exports to China will have on the agri-food industry.

View Official Report for AQO 9353/11-16
6 AQO 9354/11-16 Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development how cross-border co-operation will be enhanced by the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

View Official Report for AQO 9354/11-16
7 AQO 9355/11-16 Mr Kieran McCarthy
(APNI - Strangford)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development how her Department will help farmers to use renewable energy to reduce their costs.

View Official Report for AQO 9355/11-16
8 AQO 9356/11-16 Mr Andy Allen MBE
(UUP - East Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for her assessment of the success of the work carried out as part of the East Belfast Flood Alleviation Scheme.

View Official Report for AQO 9356/11-16
9 AQO 9357/11-16 Mr Tom Buchanan
(DUP - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for her assessment of phase 2 of the Rural Micro Capital Grant Programme.

View Official Report for AQO 9357/11-16
10 AQO 9358/11-16 Mr George Robinson MBE
(DUP - East Londonderry)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to outline any meetings she has had with the Minister of the Environment on planning policy CTY 10.

View Official Report for AQO 9358/11-16
11 AQO 9359/11-16 Ms Michaela Boyle
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development for her assessment of her Department's response to recent flooding.

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12 AQO 9360/11-16 Mr Gordon Lyons
(DUP - East Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to outline the progress her Department has made since 2007 on reducing bureaucracy.

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13 AQO 9361/11-16 Mr Paul Givan
(DUP - Lagan Valley)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development what actions her Department is taking in response to the recent flooding.

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14 AQO 9362/11-16 Mrs Pam Cameron
(DUP - South Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development what work her Department is carrying out to reduce incidences of river pollution, particularly in South Antrim.

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