AQW 2760/11-15 Mr Steven Agnew Green Party North Down
Tabled Date: 30/09/2011 Answered On Date: 25/10/2011 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister of the Environment how many access agreements have been entered into by each District Council pursuant to Article 28 of the Access to the Countryside (NI) Order 1983; and what is the total area of access land created as a result.
Article 28 applies to councils and they do not have any requirement to report to the Department on delivery. This question has however been referred to the councils, all of whom have replied. It has not been possible to verify that each council has interpreted the question in the same way nor to confirm the accuracy of the figures supplied. Under Article 28 of the Access Order, two councils report that they have entered into 73 Access Agreements for Open Country, with a total area of 2.3ha. It seems likely that there is an error in the figure for Magherafelt. A breakdown of the responses by council follows. Council | Number Open Country Access Agreements -Article 28 | Area (Hectares) | Derry | 1 | 2.1 | Magherafelt | 72 | 0.2 | Total | 73 | 2.3 |