AQW 49739/11-16

Ms Claire Sugden
East Londonderry

Tabled Date: 13/10/2015
Answered On Date: 27/10/2015
Priority Written: No

To ask the Minister of Education to detail (i) the schools that have had their budgets reduced since changes to the Common Funding Formula were introduced in 2014; and (ii) which schools received transition payments; and the amount awarded in each case.

Despite significant reductions to my budget, I have been able to maintain funding levels for school delegated budgets. The Aggregated Schools’ Budget in 2015/16 was some 2.1% higher than in 2013/14.
Funding at school level will reflect the overall level of funding available for distribution, identified needs across all schools and pupils enrolled, as well as any changes to the funding arrangements during this period. However, at individual school level, the share of budget will also reflect any changes in its characteristics, year on year – and in particular; pupil enrolments, their stage of education, additional need pupils and levels of identified social deprivation.
In line with my commitment that no school would lose funding in 2014-15 solely as a result of any changes I made to the Common Funding Formula, Transitional funding support has been made available to schools, in addition to their formula calculated funding share, over the last two years.
I have arranged for details of schools, and the funding amounts received under the Transitional funding arrangements in the last two years, to be placed in the Assembly Library.