AQW 18616/22-27 Mr Timothy Gaston Traditional Unionist Voice North Antrim
Tabled Date: 21/11/2024 Answered On Date: 06/01/2025 Priority Written: No
Question: To ask the Minister of Health, pursuant to AQW 17455/22-27, to detail the time taken to secure a first outpatient appointment to gain a place on the waiting list.
The table below details the longest time a patient has been on a waiting list for an inpatient/daycase procedure, the corresponding specialty and the outpatient appointment for the same specialty, broken down by Health and Social Care Trust. Longest waiting patient in weeks | Trust | Specialty | Inpatient /daycase | Outpatients | Belfast | Orthopaedics | 551 | 260 | Northern | General Surgery | 363 | 248 | South Eastern | Plastic Surgery | 554 | 396 | Southern | Urology | 499 | 452 | Western | General Surgery | 456 | 517 |
Current waiting times are unacceptable and no one should have to wait longer than necessary for the surgery they need. While good progress has been made in tackling waiting times in some areas, there remains much more to be done. Within the constraints of existing budgets, I’m committed to taking whatever actions I can to tackle these waiting times and ensure that patients are treated as quickly as possible to ensure best possible outcomes.