AQW 20351/22-27 Mrs Diane Dodds Democratic Unionist Party Upper Bann
Tabled Date: 10/01/2025 Answered On Date: 21/01/2025 Priority Written: Yes
Question: To ask the Minister of Health to detail the number of patients currently considered medically fit to leave hospital who are having their discharge delayed, broken down by (i) hospital; and (ii) the reason for the delay.
As at 16th January 2025 there are 541 patients declared medically optimised for discharge with complex discharge needs. The table below indicates this by HSC trust. BHSCT | 146 | NHSCT | 112 | SEHSCT | 79 | SHSCT | 86 | WHSCT | 118 | Regional Total | 541 |
Reporting and monitoring of information to the DoH has been impacted due to the rollout of Encompass within the Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland. At this time, Encompass has been implemented in the Belfast, South Eastern and Northern Health and Social Care Trusts. Therefore, the reasons for delay are only available for the Southern and Western Health and Social Care Trusts. SHSCT As at 13th January 2025 there were 88 patients delays across the two acute hospitals, with the specific reason for delay for each patient provided in the table below. Hospital | Reason for Discharge Delay | Total | Craigavon Area Hospital | Complex 101 - Mental Capacity | 4 | | Complex 102 - Hospital at Home (Acute Care at Home) | 1 | | Complex 103 - Bed Based Ic - Care Homes | 4 | | Complex 104 - Bed Cased Ic - Sub Acute/Non-Acute Hosp | 3 | | Complex 105 - Home Based Ic | 2 | | Complex 109 - Patient/Relative Choice | 2 | | Complex 110 - No Domiciliary Package Available | 11 | | Complex 111 - Await Assessment/Acceptance to Care Home | 11 | | Complex 112 - Enhanced Care Requirements | 1 | | Complex 118 - Essential Equipment/Adapt Not Available | 3 | | Complex 124 - No Significant Delay | 1 | | Complex 135 - Internal Hospital Assessment Processes | 10 | | Complex 141 - 1 to 1 Care (Dementia) | 2 | Daisy Hill Hospital | Complex 101 - Mental Capacity | 4 | | Complex 110 - No Domiciliary Package Available | 11 | | Complex 111 - Await Assessment/Acceptance to Care Home | 6 | | Complex 114 - Mental Health | 1 | | Complex 116 - Dementia | 2 | | Complex 135 - Internal Hospital Assessment Processes | 7 | | Complex 141 - 1 to 1 Care (Dementia) | 2 | SHSCT Total | 88 |
WHSCT As at 13th January 2025 there were 132 patients delays across the two acute hospitals, with the specific reason for delay for each patient provided in the table below. Hospital | Reason for Discharge Delay | Total | Altnagelvin Hospital | Complex 103 - Bed Based Ic - Care Homes | 2 | | Complex 104 - Bed Cased Ic - Sub Acute/Non-Acute Hosp | 3 | | Complex 105 - Home Based Ic | 1 | | Complex 106 - Reablement | 1 | | Complex 110 - No Domiciliary Package Available | 1 | | Complex 111 - Await Assessment/Acceptance to Care Home | 9 | | Complex 112 - Enhanced Care Requirements | 2 | | Complex 115 - Learning Disability | 1 | | Complex 116 - Dementia | 21 | | Complex 135 - Internal Hospital Assessment Processes | 14 | | Complex 137 - Financial Considerations | 1 | | Complex 138 - Adult Safeguarding | 1 | | Complex 141 - 1 to 1 Care (Dementia) | 1 | South West Acute Hospital | Complex 101 - Mental Capacity | 1 | | Complex 104 - Bed Cased Ic - Sub Acute/Non-Acute Hosp | 1 | | Complex 106 - Reablement | 1 | | Complex 110 - No Domiciliary Package Available | 17 | | Complex 111 - Await Assessment/Acceptance to Care Home | 5 | | Complex 116 - Dementia | 5 | | Complex 118 - Essential Equipment/Adapt Not Available | 2 | | Complex 121 - Housing | 2 | | Complex 135 - Internal Hospital Assessment Processes | 36 | | Complex 137 - Financial Considerations | 1 | | Complex 141 - 1 to 1 Care (Dementia) | 3 | WHSCT Total | 132 |