Business Diary

Monday 01 June 2020 - Friday 05 June 2020

* Committee Business relates to non-substantive items of business such as the consideration of minutes of the previous meeting and consideration of correspondence or matters arising from previous meetings
Monday 01 June 2020
12:00 PMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
Tuesday 02 June 2020
10:30 AMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
1:00 PMSenate ChamberBusiness Committee

Closed from 1:00 PM (22 mins)
Committee Business
1:34 PMSenate ChamberChairpersons' Liaison Group

Closed from 1:34 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 1:35 PM (29 mins)
Co-ordination of the Assembly’s response to EU Exit

Closed from 2:04 PM (1 mins)
CLG Priorities – Project timelines

Closed from 2:05 PM (3 mins)
Committee to Monitor Programme for Government Outcomes

Closed from 2:08 PM (21 mins)
Guidance for Committees - update

Closed from 2:29 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business
Wednesday 03 June 2020
9:04 AMRoom 29Committee for Education

Public from 9:04 AM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Suspension from 9:08 AM (7 mins)

Public from 9:15 AM (54 mins)
Examinations Covid Concerns - Association of School and College Leaders - Oral Briefing
• Mr Trevor Robinson, Association of School and College Leaders
• Mr Stephen Black, Association of School and College Leaders

Public from 10:09 AM (81 mins)
Consultation on Examinations Appeals - Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment - Oral Briefing
• Mr Justin Edwards, Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
• Ms Sharon King, Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment
• Mr Trevor Carson, Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment

Public from 11:30 AM (1 mins)
June Monitoring Round - Department of Education - Written Briefing

Public from 11:31 AM (56 mins)
Coronavirus response - Department of Education - Weekly Oral Update
• Mr Peter Weir, Minister of Education
• Mr Derek Baker, DE
• Mr John Smith, DE

Public from 12:27 PM (7 mins)
Committee Business
10:04 AMSenate ChamberCommittee for Infrastructure

Public from 10:04 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:05 AM (80 mins)
Briefing from Translink - COVID-19 Response & Recovery
• Mr Chris Conway, Translink

Public from 11:25 AM (11 mins)
SR 2020-88 The Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat Belts) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020

Committee Business
10:04 AMRoom 30Committee for the Economy

Public from 10:04 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:07 AM (71 mins)
Briefing by SONI Ltd - Energy Strategy
• Ms Jo Aston, SONI Ltd
• Mr Alan Campbell, SONI Ltd
• Dr David McGowan, SONI Ltd

Public from 11:18 AM (39 mins)
Departmental Briefing - Energy Strategy
• Mr Thomas Byrne, DfE
• Mr Richard Rodgers, DfE
• Ms Maebh Cormacain, DfE

Public from 11:57 AM (23 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 12:20 PM (30 mins)
The Protocol (EU exit)

Public from 12:50 PM (6 mins)
Committee Business
12:00 PMSenate ChamberCommittee for Health

Public from 12:00 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 12:02 PM (73 mins)
COVID-19 Disease Response - Update from Minister of Health and Chief Scientific Advisor
• Mr Robin Swann, Minister of Health
• Prof Ian Young, DoH

Public from 1:15 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business
12:59 PMRoom 29Committee for Communities

Public from 12:59 PM (121 mins)
Committee Business

Covid 19 and the impact on the Sports Sector - Briefing by Sport NI
• Ms Antoinette McKeown, Sport NI
• Mr Colm Jennings, Sport NI

Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill - Briefing by Women's Aid
• Ms Sonya McMullan, Women's Aid Federation Northern Ireland
• Ms Sarah Mason, Women's Aid Federation Northern Ireland

SR 2020/87 Social Security (Coronavirus) (Electronic Communications) (Amendment) Order (NI) 2020

Public from 3:00 PM (22 mins)
SR 2020/89 The Statutory Sick Pay (General) (Coronavirus Amendment) (No 4) Regs (NI) 2020

Committee Business
2:03 PMRoom 30Committee for The Executive Office

Public from 2:03 PM (58 mins)
Committee Business

June 2020 Monitoring Round - Departmental Oral Evidence
• Dr Mark Browne, TEO
• Ms Tara Kennedy, TEO

Public from 3:01 PM (6 mins)
Committee Business
2:30 PMSenate ChamberCommittee for Finance

Public from 2:30 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:35 PM (35 mins)
In-Year Monitoring - Oral Evidence from DoF Finance Division
• Stewart Barnes, DoF

Public from 3:10 PM (67 mins)
Private Members' Legislation: The Functioning of Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill - Oral Evidence from Felicity Huston
• Felicity Huston, Huston & Co

Public from 4:17 PM (15 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 4:32 PM (1 mins)
Financial Scrutiny - Consideration of Options

Public from 4:33 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business
Thursday 04 June 2020
10:37 AMSenate ChamberCommittee for Justice

Public from 10:37 AM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:39 AM (114 mins)
Finance and Budget Update - Oral Evidence Session with Department of Justice Officials
• Mr Peter May, DoJ
• Ms Deborah Brown, DoJ
• Ms Louise Blair, DoJ

Covid-19 Response and Recovery Planning - Oral Evidence Session with Department of Justice Officials
• Ms Deborah Brown, DoJ
• Mr Glyn Capper, DoJ
• Mr Stephen Martin, DoJ

Public from 12:33 PM (20 mins)
Legislative Consent Motion - Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Bill - Draft Committee Report

Legislative Consent Motion - Domestic Abuse Bill

The Northern Ireland Criminal Injuries Compensation (Amendment 2020) Scheme (2009)

Committee Forward Work Programme

Committee Business
10:44 AMRoom 30Committee for Health

Public from 10:44 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:45 AM (75 mins)
COVID-19 Disease Response - Briefing from the Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
• Mr Eddie Lynch, Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
• Ms Evelyn Hoy, Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
• Ms Emer Boyle, Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland

Public from 12:00 PM (20 mins)
SR 2020/57 The Mental Capacity (Deprivation of Liberty) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020
• Dr Tomas Adell, DoH

Public from 12:20 PM (25 mins)
SR 2020/60 The Establishment and Agencies (Fitness of Workers) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020
• Ms Astrid Hamilton, DoH

Public from 12:45 PM (30 mins)
Legislative Consent Motion: The Medicines and Medical Devices Bill
• Prof Cathy Harrison, DoH
• Mr Craig Allen, DoH

Public from 1:15 PM (10 mins)
Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill - Consideration of Draft Report

Public from 1:25 PM (12 mins)
Committee Business
2:05 PMRoom 29Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights

Public from 2:05 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:09 PM (61 mins)
Briefing by Dominic Grieve QC
• Mr Dominic Grieve QC, Temple Garden Chambers

Public from 3:10 PM (17 mins)
The Executive Office
• Ms Janet Johnston, TEO
• Ms Siobhan Broderick, TEO

Public from 3:27 PM (7 mins)
Committee Business
2:23 PMSenate ChamberCommittee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Public from 2:23 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:26 PM (82 mins)
Oral Evidence from DAERA - Implementation of the Protocol for Northern Ireland
• Dr Denis McMahon, DAERA
• Mr Robert Huey, DAERA
• Mr Norman Fulton, DAERA
• Mr Mark Livingstone, DAERA

Public from 3:48 PM (1 mins)
Subordinate Legislation - SR 2020/76 The Sea Fishing Industry (Coronavirus) (Fixed Costs) Scheme (Northern Ireland) 2020

Written Briefing DAERA - Covid-19 Update

Public from 3:49 PM (6 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 3:55 PM (37 mins)
Written Briefing - 25m Covid-19 funding for Agri Food Sector Market Intervention

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