Statutory Rules

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NumberTitleDate LaidDate Referred To CommitteeDate To ESRDate Of ESR ReportDate Considered By CommitteeDate Referred To PlenaryEnd of Statutory Period Status
SR 2011/72The Rates (Regional Rates) Order (Northern Ireland) 201104/03/201104/03/201104/03/201111/03/201108/03/201108/03/2011 Affirmed
SR 2011/Draft SR - The Local Government (Rates Support Grant) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201119/09/201119/09/201119/09/201123/09/201129/09/201124/10/2011 Affirmed
SR 2011/348Land Registry (Fees) Order (Northern Ireland) 201117/10/201117/10/201117/10/201126/10/201109/11/201122/11/2011 Affirmed
SR 2011/347The Registration of Deeds (Fees) Order (Northern Ireland) 201117/10/201117/10/201117/10/201126/10/201109/11/201122/11/2011 Affirmed
SR 2011/Draft SR - The Labour Relations Agency (Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures) (Jurisdictions) Order (Northern Ireland) 201124/10/201124/10/201124/10/201111/11/201109/11/201105/12/2011 Affirmed
SR 2011/375The Local Government (Rates Support Grant) Regualtions (Northern Ireland) 201101/11/201119/09/201119/09/201123/09/201129/09/201124/10/2011 Affirmed
SR 2011/395The Rates (Payments by Owners by Agreement) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 201109/11/201109/11/201109/11/201111/11/201116/11/201128/11/2011 Affirmed
SR 2011/390The Insolvency (Fees) (Amendment No.2) Order (Northern Ireland) 201111/11/201111/11/201111/11/201125/11/201101/12/201116/01/2012 Affirmed
SR 2011/Draft SR - The Protection from Tobacco (Sales from Vending Machines) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201129/11/201129/11/201129/11/201109/12/201114/12/201117/01/2012 Affirmed
SR 2011/Draft SR - The Sunbeds (Fixed Penalty) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201106/12/201106/12/201106/12/2011     
SR 2011/Draft SR - The Pharmacy (Northern Ireland) Order 1976 (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 201109/12/201109/12/201109/12/2011     
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Sunbeds (Fixed Penalty) (Amount) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201216/12/201116/12/201116/12/201113/01/201211/01/201218/01/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Pharmacy (1976 Order) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 201206/01/201206/01/201206/01/201213/01/201211/01/201231/01/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/2The Official Statistics Order (Northern Ireland) 201217/01/201217/01/201217/01/201227/01/201201/02/201207/02/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Dog Control Orders (Prescribed Offences and Penalties, etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201220/01/201220/01/201220/01/201224/02/201206/03/201213/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - Welfare of Farmed Animals Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201231/01/201231/01/201231/01/201210/02/201228/02/201220/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The High Hedges (Fee Transfer) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201210/02/201210/02/201210/02/201224/02/201223/02/201205/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Welfare of Animals (Permitted Procedures by Lay Persons) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201217/02/201217/02/201217/02/201224/02/201213/03/201220/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/47The Rates (Microgeneration) Order (Northern Ireland) 201217/02/201217/02/201217/02/201224/02/201229/02/201212/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/46The Rates (Regional Rates) Order (Northern Ireland) 201217/02/201217/02/201217/02/201224/02/201229/02/201212/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/84The Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers' Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201202/03/201202/03/201202/03/201209/03/201208/03/201223/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Rates (Deferment) (Revocation and Savings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201205/03/201205/03/201205/03/201209/03/201214/03/201226/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/92The Sunbeds (Fixed Penalty) (Amount) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201213/03/201213/03/201213/03/2012    Affirmed
SR 2012/114The Dog Control Orders (Prescribed Offences and Penalties, etc.) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201220/03/201220/03/201220/03/2012  13/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/156Welfare of Farmed Animals Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201230/03/2012 02/04/2012  20/03/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/153The Welfare of Animals (Permitted Procedures by Lay Persons) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201230/03/2012 03/04/2012    Affirmed
SR 2012/263The Race Relations Order 1997 (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 201217/04/201217/04/201217/04/201204/05/201230/05/201225/06/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - Local Government (Boundaries) Order (Northern Ireland) 201224/04/201224/04/201224/04/201204/05/2012 12/06/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide (2007 Act) (Commencement) Order (Northern Ireland) 201209/05/201209/05/201209/05/201218/05/201207/06/201225/06/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) (Exemption) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201210/05/201210/05/201210/05/201218/05/2012 11/06/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Labour Relations Agency Arbitration Scheme (Jurisdiction) Order (Northern Ireland) 201223/05/201223/05/201223/05/201230/05/201213/06/201203/07/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Docking of Working Dogs' Tails (Certification and Identification) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201223/05/201223/05/201223/05/2012 26/06/2012   
SR 2012/215The Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (Disclosure of Social Security Information) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201224/05/201224/05/201224/05/201230/05/201206/06/201219/06/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Welfare of Animals (Docking of Working Dogs' Tails and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201201/06/201201/06/201201/06/201215/06/2012 15/10/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/Draft SR - Local Government Best Value (Exclusion of Non-commercial Considerations) Order (Northern Ireland) 201208/06/201208/06/201208/06/201215/06/2012 03/07/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/341The Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (Display of Prices) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201214/06/201214/06/201214/06/201229/06/201204/07/201211/09/2012 Affirmed
SR 2012/302The Labour Relations Agency Arbitration Scheme (Jurisidction) Order (Northern Ireland) 201201/08/2012 01/08/2012     
SR 2012/308The Pharmacy (1976 Order) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 201210/08/201210/08/201210/08/2012     
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Landlord Registration Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201221/08/201221/08/201221/08/201207/09/201206/09/201224/09/2012  
SR 2012/Draft SR - The Tenancy Deposit Schemes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 201221/08/201221/08/201221/08/201207/09/201213/09/201224/09/2012  

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