Business Diary

Monday 21 June 2021 - Friday 25 June 2021

* Committee Business relates to non-substantive items of business such as the consideration of minutes of the previous meeting and consideration of correspondence or matters arising from previous meetings
Monday 21 June 2021
12:00 PMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
Tuesday 22 June 2021
10:30 AMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
1:04 PMSenate ChamberBusiness Committee

Closed from 1:04 PM (10 mins)
Committee Business
Wednesday 23 June 2021
9:35 AMStarleaf (Room 30), Virtual Meeting, Committee for Education

Public from 9:35 AM (25 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:00 AM (69 mins)
Special Educational Needs Framework - Department of Education Oral Briefing
• Mr Ricky Irwin, DE
• Ms Julie McBride, DE
• Mr Chris Hutchinson, DE
• Ms Clar McKenna, Education Authority
• Ms Tracey Logan, Education Authority

Public from 11:09 AM (60 mins)
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) - Department of Education Oral Briefing
• Mr Paul Brush, DE
• Mr Paul Wright, DE
• Ms Pamela Baxter, DE

Public from 12:09 PM (63 mins)
Budget/In-Year Monitoring Update, Childcare Strategy and Common Funding Formula - Department of Education Oral Briefing
• Mr Gary Fair, DE
• Mr Philip Irwin, DE
• Mr Stephen Van Houten, DE
• Ms Tina Dempster, DE

Public from 1:12 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business
10:04 AMRoom 29Committee for the Economy

Public from 10:04 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:05 AM (60 mins)
Department for the Economy, Tourism NI & Tourism Ireland Briefing - Tourism Recovery
• Ms Geraldine Fee, DfE
• Mr John McGrillen, Tourism NI
• Mr Niall Gibbons, Tourism Ireland

Public from 11:05 AM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 11:10 AM (5 mins)
Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill

SL1 - The Further Education (Student Support) (Amendment etc) (EU Exit) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

SL1 - Industrial Training Levy (Construction Industry) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021

SR 2021/165 The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Amendment of Certain Relevant Periods) (No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

Public from 11:15 AM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 11:20 AM (56 mins)
Research and Information Service (RaISe) Briefing - Higher Education Funding Models
• Mr Michael Scholes, Research Officer
10:06 AMSenate ChamberCommittee for Infrastructure

Public from 10:06 AM (23 mins)
Committee Business

Subordinate Legislation - SL1s - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

Subordinate Legislation - SRs - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

Public from 10:29 AM (68 mins)
Departmental Briefing – Update on Planning
• Mr Angus Kerr, DfI
• Mr Alistair Beggs, DfI
• Ms Irene Kennedy, DfI
• Mr Tom Mathews, DfI

Public from 11:37 AM (69 mins)
Briefing from Taxi Operators – Current Issues Facing the Sector
• Mr Eamonn Corrigan, Regency Taxis
• Mr Eamonn O'Donnell, North West Taxi Proprietors
• Mr Stephen Anton, Fonacab
• Mr Christopher McCausland, Value Cabs

Public from 12:46 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business
2:02 PMStarleaf (Room 30), Virtual Meeting, Committee for The Executive Office

Public from 2:02 PM (36 mins)
Committee Business

Historical Institutional Abuse: NI Assembly Research and Information Service
• Mr Stephen Orme, Research Officer

Public from 2:38 PM (70 mins)
Historical Institutional Abuse - Stakeholder Groups - Oral evidence
• Mr Gerry McCann, Rosetta Trust
• Ms Margaret McGuckin, Survivors and Victims of Institutional Abuse
• Mr Jon McCourt, Survivors North West

Public from 3:48 PM (102 mins)
Historical Institutional Abuse - Redress Board - Oral evidence
• Mr Ian Huddleston, Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board
• Mr Jim Coffey, Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board
• Mr Patrick Butler, Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board
• Ms Beverley Clarke, Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board

Committee Business
2:03 PMSenate ChamberCommittee for Finance

Public from 2:03 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:07 PM (50 mins)
Oral Evidence - Ulster University – Economic Policy Centre: Covid Recovery and Business Rates Reform
• Gareth Hetherington, Ulster University Economic Policy Centre
• Dr Eoin Magennis, Ulster University Economic Policy Centre

Public from 2:57 PM (16 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 3:13 PM (115 mins)
Oral Evidence - Expert Advice NI Protocol: Generalists
• Dr Graham Gudgin, University of Cambridge
• Professor Ronan McCrea, University College London
• Professor David Phinnemore, Queen's University Belfast

Closed from 5:08 PM (8 mins)
Committee considerations of its draft Report on an independent Fiscal Council for Northern Ireland

Public from 5:16 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business
2:32 PMStarleaf, Virtual Meeting, Committee on Procedures

Closed from 2:32 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 2:33 PM (10 mins)
Members' Statements - Consideration of draft Standing Orders and draft report.
• Paul Gill, Clerk Assistant

Closed from 2:43 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business
2:34 PMStarleaf, Virtual Meeting, Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Closed from 2:34 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 2:35 PM (132 mins)
Written Briefing - Consideration of draft report - Withdrawal of DAERA and Local Authority staff from Ports

Closed from 4:47 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business
Thursday 24 June 2021
9:07 AMRoom 29Committee for Communities

Public from 9:07 AM (42 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:49 AM (50 mins)
Departmental briefing on Supporting People Programme - Briefing by UNISON
• Mr Joe McCusker, UNISON
• Anne Speed, UNISON
• Mr Niall McCarroll, UNISON
• Ms Saoirse Fanning, UNISON

Suspension from 10:39 AM (6 mins)

Public from 10:45 AM (20 mins)
Departmental briefing on Supporting People Programme - Departmental Briefing
• Dr Heloise Brown, DfC
• Mr Martin McDermott, DfC
• Mr Alistair Mawhinney, Northern Ireland Housing Executive

Public from 11:05 AM (61 mins)
Neighbourhood Renewal - Departmental Briefing
• Mr David Sales, DfC
• Ms Colette Toman, DfC
• Ms Jean McAnulty, DfC
• Mr Gerard Murray, DfC
• Mr John Burns, DfC

Public from 12:06 PM (27 mins)
Labour Market Interventions - Departmental Briefing
• Ms Deirdre Ward, DfC
• Ms Roisin Sloan, DfC

Public from 12:33 PM (28 mins)
Post Office Card Accounts - Departmental Briefing
• Mr Roy McGivern, DfC
• Ms Linda Williams, DfC

Public from 1:01 PM (3 mins)
SL1 Child Support Maintenance Calculation (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2021

Committee Business
9:32 AMStarleaf, Virtual Meeting, Committee for Health

Public from 9:32 AM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:35 AM (60 mins)
Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill - Briefing from Alliance for Choice and Alliance for Choice Derry
• Ms Emma Campbell, Alliance for Choice
• Dr Maeve O'Brien, Alliance for Choice Derry

Public from 10:35 AM (60 mins)
Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill - Briefing from Doctors for Choice, Abortion Rights Campaign & Women’s Policy Group NI
• Dr Alyson Hunter, Doctors for Choice
• Ms Helen Stonehouse, Abortion Rights Campaign
• Ms Danielle Roberts, Women's Policy Group

Public from 11:35 AM (5 mins)
SR 2021/160 Public Health Notifiable Diseases Order (Northern Ireland) 2021

Public from 11:40 AM (20 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 12:00 PM (60 mins)
Truth Recovery Design Panel: Mother and Baby Recovery
• Ms Deirdre Mahon, Truth Recovery Design Panel
• Prof. Phil Scraton, Truth Recovery Design Panel
• Dr Maeve O'Rourke, Truth Recovery Design Panel

Closed from 1:00 PM (70 mins)
10:00 AMRoom 30Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Public from 10:00 AM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:04 AM (81 mins)
Climate Change No.1 Bill - Oral Evidence from Northern Ireland Meat Exporters Association
• Mr Conall Donnelly, Northern Ireland Meat Exporters Association
• Ms Sarah Haire, Dawn Meats / Dunbia
• Mr Dean Holroyd, ABP Food Group

Public from 11:25 AM (39 mins)
Climate Change No.1 Bill - Oral Evidence from Dairy Council NI
• Dr Mike Johnston MBE, PhD, Dairy Council for Northern Ireland

Public from 12:04 PM (31 mins)
Climate Change No.1 Bill - Oral Evidence from UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre
• Mr Jon Gibbons, UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre

Public from 12:35 PM (32 mins)
Written Briefing DAERA - SL1 - The Agricultural Commodities (Coronavirus)(Income Support) Scheme No.2 (Northern Ireland) 2021

Written Briefing DAERA - SL1 - The Waste (Fees and Charges)(Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

Written Briefing DAERA - SL1 – The (Draft) Agricultural (2017 North West Area) Flooding (Income Support) Scheme (Northern Ireland) 2021
• Mr Steven Millar, DAERA
• Mr Norman Fulton, DAERA

Written Briefing DAERA - SR The Sea Fish Industry (Coronavirus) (Fixed Costs) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

Public from 1:07 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business
11:00 AMSenate ChamberCommittee for Justice

Public from 11:00 AM (13 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 11:13 AM (142 mins)
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland Report on Child Sexual Exploitation in Northern Ireland - An Inspection of the Criminal Justice System’s Response
• Ms Jacqui Durkin, Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland
• Dr Roisin Devlin, Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland

Action Plan to address the findings and recommendations in the Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland Report on Child Sexual Exploitation in Northern Ireland - An Inspection of the Criminal Justice System’s Response
• Mrs Cathy Galway, DoJ
• Ms Katie Taylor, DoJ
• Mr Anthony McNally, Police Service of Northern Ireland
• Mr Ciaran McQuillan, Public Prosecution Service
• Teresa McAllister, Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland

Protection from Stalking Bill - Delegated Powers

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill - Proposed Legislative Consent Motion

SR 2021/138 The Parole Commissioners' (Amendment) Rules (Northern Ireland) 2021

Next steps for the "McCloud" Remedy for Judicial and Police Pension Schemes

Review of Hate Crime Legislation in Northern Ireland - Department of Justice Response to the recommendations

Phase 2 of the Review of the Police Service of Northern Ireland Injury on Duty Scheme

Review of Non-Fatal Strangulation Legislation - Proposed Consultation

Department of Justice June Monitoring Round Return and 2021-22 Covid-19 Exercise and Accruing Resources 2020-21

Public from 2:00 PM (102 mins)
Key Justice Issues - Oral Evidence Session with the Lord Chief Justice
• The Right Honourable Sir Declan Morgan, Office of the Lord Chief Justice
• Ms Mandy Kilpatrick, Office of the Lord Chief Justice

Public from 3:42 PM (10 mins)
Committee Business
2:05 PMRoom 30Public Accounts Committee

Closed from 2:05 PM (3 mins)

Public from 2:08 PM (9 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:17 PM (8 mins)
Ministerial Direction - DfE, DfC & DoH
• Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Patrick Barr, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Tomas Wilkinson, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Neil Gray, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Roger McCance, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Public from 2:25 PM (16 mins)
Memorandum of Reply - Inquiry on Major Capital Projects
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Tomas Wilkinson, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 2:41 PM (44 mins)
Inquiry into Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy - Consideration of draft report
• Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Tomas Wilkinson, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 3:25 PM (24 mins)
Northern Ireland Audit Office - Briefing on NIAO Reports
• Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Tomas Wilkinson, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Patrick Barr, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Neil Gray, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Roger McCance, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 3:49 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business
2:11 PMRoom 29Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights

Informal from 2:11 PM (50 mins)
Approaches to a Bill of Rights

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