Business Diary

Monday 27 September 2021 - Friday 01 October 2021

* Committee Business relates to non-substantive items of business such as the consideration of minutes of the previous meeting and consideration of correspondence or matters arising from previous meetings
Monday 27 September 2021
12:00 PMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
Tuesday 28 September 2021
10:30 AMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
12:30 PMStarleaf (Room 30), Virtual Meeting, Committee for Health

Closed from 12:30 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 12:35 PM (40 mins)
Health and Social Care Bill - Consideration of draft report

Closed from 1:15 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business
1:08 PMSenate ChamberBusiness Committee

Closed from 1:08 PM (26 mins)
Committee Business
1:22 PMStarleaf, Virtual Meeting, Chairpersons' Liaison Group

Closed from 1:22 PM (57 mins)
Committee Business

Legislation and Committee Work Programmes
• Dr Kevin Pelan, Clerk Assistant

RHI Inquiry Report recommendation on strengthening the scrutiny role of Assembly Committees
• Mr Ray McCaffrey, Research Officer
• Miss Angela Kelly, Examiner of Statutory Rules

Committee Business
2:17 PMRoom 30Committee on Standards and Privileges

Closed from 2:17 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 2:21 PM (67 mins)
Complaint against a Member - Legal Advice
• Mr Jonathan McMillen, Head of Legal Services Office

Closed from 3:28 PM (59 mins)
Complaint against a Member - Oral hearing from the Member
• Mr Jim Wells, MLA

Closed from 4:27 PM (6 mins)
Complaint against a Member - draft Committee report

Closed from 4:33 PM (10 mins)
Complaint against a Member - Appointment of Acting Commissioner

Closed from 4:43 PM (3 mins)
Admissible complaints

Closed from 4:46 PM (15 mins)
Complaint against a Member - Discontinuation of case
• Dr Melissa McCullough, Northern Ireland Assembly Commissioner for Standards

Closed from 5:01 PM (21 mins)
Complaint against a Member - Commissioner’s investigation report
• Dr Melissa McCullough, Northern Ireland Assembly Commissioner for Standards

Closed from 5:22 PM (6 mins)
Committee Business
Wednesday 29 September 2021
9:30 AMSenate ChamberCommittee for the Economy

Public from 9:30 AM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:35 AM (75 mins)
Departmental Briefing - Energy Strategy
• Mr Richard Rodgers, DfE
• Mr Thomas Byrne, DfE
• Ms Maebh Cormacain, DfE

Public from 10:50 AM (45 mins)
Departmental Briefing - October Monitoring
• Mr David Malcolm, DfE
• Ms Johanna Park, DfE
• Ms Niamh McGarvey, DfE

Public from 11:35 AM (90 mins)
Ministerial Briefing - Economic Recovery Action Plan
• Mr Gordon Lyons, Minister for the Economy
• Mr Paul Grocott, DfE
• Mr Richard Rodgers, DfE
• Ms Michelle Scott, DfE
• Mr Pearse McCann, DfE

Public from 1:05 PM (10 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 1:15 PM (10 mins)
Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill

SR 2021/258 The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Amendment of Relevant Period in Schedule 8) (No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

SR 2021/259 The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Amendment of Schedule 11) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

SR 2021/260 The Education (Student Fees (Amounts), Loan Repayment and Support etc.)(Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

SR 2021/268 The High Street (Coronavirus, Financial Assistance) Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

Public from 1:25 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business
9:32 AMStarleaf (Room 30), Virtual Meeting, Committee for Education

Public from 9:32 AM (14 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:46 AM (114 mins)
14-19 Strategy - Oral Briefing by Pivotal Public Policy Forum NI
• Ann Watt, Pivotal
• Dr Ben Harper, Pivotal

Public from 11:40 AM (80 mins)
Autism (Amendment) Bill - Oral Briefing by Bill Sponsor
• Mrs Pam Cameron, MLA
• Ms Kerry Boyd, Autism NI

Committee Business
10:08 AMRoom 29Committee for Infrastructure

Public from 10:08 AM (10 mins)
Committee Business

Subordinate Legislation - SL1s - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

Subordinate Legislation - SRs - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

Public from 10:18 AM (52 mins)
Departmental Briefing – Road Safety Strategy
• Dr Chris Hughes, DfI
• Ms Caroline Hobson, DfI

Public from 11:10 AM (10 mins)
Committee Business
12:43 PMRoom 29Audit Committee

Closed from 12:43 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 12:45 PM (15 mins)
Codification of the Audit Committee’s function in relation to agreeing the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission’s budget
• Ms Maeve Corrigan, Northern Ireland Assembly

Public from 1:00 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 1:05 PM (16 mins)
Review of the governance and accountability arrangements for the Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) and the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) - Oral Evidence
• Ms Colette Kane, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Rodney Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Public from 1:21 PM (7 mins)
NI Assembly Commission Budget: Consideration of thresholds on Committee input to in-year adjustments

Public from 1:28 PM (2 mins)
Annual Report: NI Assembly Commission

Annual Report: NI Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO)

Annual Report: NI Audit Office (NIAO)

Public from 1:30 PM (2 mins)
October 2021 Monitoring Round

Public from 1:32 PM (1 mins)
Budget Timetable

Public from 1:33 PM (15 mins)
Appointment of NIAO Chairman and Non-Executive Directors

Public from 1:48 PM (1 mins)
Scrutiny Schedule

Public from 1:49 PM (16 mins)
Committee Business
2:00 PMSenate ChamberCommittee for Finance

Closed from 2:00 PM (24 mins)
Written Briefing - LCM Public Sector Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill

Closed from 2:24 PM (33 mins)
Oral Briefing - Department of Finance: RHI Disciplinary Process Update
• Colum Boyle, DfC
• Jill Minne, DoF
• Hugh Widdis, DoF

Public from 2:57 PM (82 mins)
Oral Briefing - Department of Finance: RHI Disciplinary Process Update
• Colum Boyle, DfC
• Jill Minne, DoF
• Hugh Widdis, DoF

Public from 4:19 PM (20 mins)
Committee Business
2:05 PMRoom 30Committee for The Executive Office

Public from 2:05 PM (89 mins)
Committee Business

UK Exit from EU - Junior Ministers - Oral Briefing
• Mr Declan Kearney, junior Minister
• Mr Gary Middleton, junior Minister

Public from 3:34 PM (4 mins)
Scrutiny of Arm's Length Bodies - Equality Commission - Written Briefing

Committee Business
2:32 PMStarleaf (Room 29), Virtual Meeting, Committee on Procedures

Public from 2:32 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:34 PM (13 mins)
Legislative Consent Motions - Update

Public from 2:47 PM (1 mins)
Official Opposition - Recap on arrangements previously considered

Public from 2:48 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business
Thursday 30 September 2021
9:00 AMStarleaf (Senate Chamber), Virtual Meeting, Committee for Health

Public from 9:00 AM (100 mins)
Ministerial Briefing
• Mr Robin Swann, Minister of Health
• Prof. Sir Michael McBride, DoH

Public from 10:40 AM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:45 AM (15 mins)
Health and Social Care Bill

Public from 11:00 AM (60 mins)
Departmental Briefing - October Monitoring
• Ms Brigitte Worth, DoH
• Ms Preeta Miller, DoH
• Dr Tomas Adell, DoH
• Ms Annette Palmer, DoH

Public from 12:00 PM (45 mins)
Adoption and Children Bill - Departmental briefing on principles 2
• Mrs Julie Stephenson, DoH
• Ms Pamela Mallon, DoH
• Ms Frances Nicholson, DoH
• Ms Liz Marsh, DoH

Public from 12:45 PM (6 mins)
Committee Business
9:03 AMRoom 29Committee for Communities

Closed from 9:03 AM (40 mins)
Committee Business - Briefing by Bill Office Clerk

Public from 9:43 AM (17 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:00 AM (3 mins)
Private Tenancies Bill

Public from 10:03 AM (4 mins)
Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendment) Bill

Public from 10:07 AM (17 mins)
Charities Bill - briefing by the Charity Law Association
• Prof Gareth Morgan, Charity Law Association

Public from 10:24 AM (61 mins)
Women in Community Transformation - Departmental briefing
• Mr David Sales, DfC
• Ms Sharon McCullagh, DfC

Suspension from 11:25 AM (8 mins)

Public from 11:33 AM (2 mins)
Charities Bill

Public from 11:35 AM (37 mins)
Charities Bill - briefing by the Ulster Society of Chartered Accountants, Charity Sector Specialist Group
• Ms Rosemary Peters Gallagher, Ulster Society of Chartered Accountants, Charity Sector Specialist Group
• Mr Niall Fitzgerald, Ulster Society of Chartered Accountants, Charity Sector Specialist Group
• Mr Gareth McGleenon, Ulster Society of Chartered Accountants, Charity Sector Specialist Group
• Mr Sam Snodden, Ulster Society of Chartered Accountants, Charity Sector Specialist Group
• Mr Dee Moran, Ulster Society of Chartered Accountants, Charity Sector Specialist Group

Public from 12:12 PM (15 mins)
Departmental briefing on SL1 The Social Security (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations (NI) 2021
• Ms Anne McCleary, DfC
• Ms Michelle Grills, DfC
• Ms Karen Kempton, DfC

Public from 12:27 PM (5 mins)
SR 2021/261 The Pensions Regulator (Employer Resources Test) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

SR 2021/267 The Social Security Benefits (Claims and Payments) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2021

SR 2021/269 The Social Security (Habitual Residence and Past Presence) (Amendment) Regs (NI) 2021

Public from 12:32 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business
10:03 AMRoom 30Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Public from 10:03 AM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:07 AM (1 mins)
Written Briefing from DAERA - Statutory Instrument - The Ivory Prohibitions (Exemptions) (Process and Procedure) Regulations 2021

Public from 10:08 AM (26 mins)
Oral Evidence from DAERA - Proposals for October Monitoring Rounds
• Ms Lynda Lowe, DAERA
• Mr Roger Downey, DAERA

Public from 10:34 AM (12 mins)
Oral Briefing from RaISe - Climate Change No.2 Bill
• Ms Suzie Cave, Research Officer

Suspension from 10:46 AM (40 mins)

Public from 11:26 AM (29 mins)
Oral Briefing from RaISe
• Ms Suzie Cave, Research Officer

Public from 11:55 AM (7 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 12:02 PM (47 mins)
Climate Change No.1 Bill - Informal Deliberation - Climate Action Plans
2:04 PMSenate ChamberCommittee for Justice

Public from 2:04 PM (8 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:12 PM (116 mins)
2021-22 October Monitoring Round and the Budget 2022-2025 Process
• Ms Deborah Brown, DoJ
• Ms Andrea Quail, DoJ
• Ms Louise Blair, DoJ

Proposed Strategy for Supporting and Challenging Women and Girls in Contact with the Justice System - Results of the Consultation and Proposed Next Steps
• Mr Steven McCourt, DoJ
• Ms Paula O'Neill, DoJ
• Ms Joanne McPadden, DoJ

Damages (Return on Investment) Bill - Summary of Committee Informal Deliberations

The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgements (2005 Hague Convention and 2007 Hague Convention) (Amendment) Regulations 2022

Domestic Abuse Offence Training and Awareness Materials - Update

Implementation of the Recommendations of the Gillen Review into Serious Sexual Offences in Northern Ireland - Update

Deaths Abroad - Final Report on the Commencement of Section 49(1) of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009

Public from 4:08 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business
2:05 PMRoom 30Public Accounts Committee

Public from 2:05 PM (6 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:11 PM (4 mins)
Ministerial Direction - Northern Ireland Domestic Avistion Kickstart Scheme
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Rodney Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Patrick Barr, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 2:15 PM (26 mins)
Inquiry into Closing the Gap - Social Deprivation and Links to Educational Attainment - Briefing and Prepartion Session
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Rodney Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Patrick Barr, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Andrew Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 2:41 PM (15 mins)
Inquiry into Speeding up the Justice System - Final Consideration of Draft Report
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Rodney Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Neil Gray, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Michael Heery, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 2:56 PM (42 mins)
Committee Business

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