Question Results

Tuesday 04 May 2021

Note: [R] indicates a registered declaration of interest
 Ref NoMemberQuestionStatus
1 AQO 1962/17-22 Mr Matthew O'Toole
(SDLP - South Belfast)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister whether any discussions they have had with UK Government on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland has included veterinary arrangements in relation to goods checks.

View Official Report for AQO 1962/17-22
2 AQO 1963/17-22 Mr John Stewart
(UUP - East Antrim)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister for an update on their Department's work in tackling paramilitary activity.

View Official Report for AQO 1963/17-22
3 AQO 1964/17-22 Mr Jonathan Buckley
(DUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister to outline the actions taken by the COVID-19 Task Force to facilitate the reopening of business and hospitality.

View Official Report for AQO 1964/17-22
4 AQO 1965/17-22 Mr Mark Durkan
(SDLP - Foyle)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister whether the reported £10m for the Communities in Transition Project is additional money or an existing funding allocation.

View Official Report for AQO 1965/17-22
5 AQO 1966/17-22 Ms Claire Sugden
(IND - East Londonderry)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister for an update on the implementation of New Decade, New Approach.

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6 AQO 1967/17-22 Mr Gary Middleton
(DUP - Foyle)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister for an update on the High Streets Task Force.

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7 AQO 1968/17-22 Mr William Humphrey
(DUP - North Belfast)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister whether the lower North Belfast community will be included in any extension of the Communities in Transition Project.

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8 AQO 1969/17-22 Ms Cara Hunter
(SDLP - East Londonderry)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister to outline any feedback their Department has received from the Commissioner for Survivors of Institutional Childhood Abuse on the interactions between victims and the Historical Institutional Abuse Redress Board.

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9 AQO 1970/17-22 Mr Mervyn Storey
(DUP - North Antrim)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister what steps they have taken to strengthen links between Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

+ Display Answer
10 AQO 1971/17-22 Ms Joanne Bunting
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister to outline what feedback has been received from stakeholder groups on the implementation of the Communities in Transition Project.

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11 AQO 1972/17-22 Ms Sinéad McLaughlin
(SDLP - Foyle)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister for an update on the recruitment of a Commissioner for Victims and Survivors.

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12 AQO 1973/17-22 Mr Robin Newton
(DUP - East Belfast)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister to outline what progress is being made to allow non-essential air and sea travel to other parts of the United Kingdom.

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13 AQO 1974/17-22 Mr Paul Givan
(DUP - Lagan Valley)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister for an update on the implementation of Moving Forward: The Executive’s Pathway Out of Restrictions.

Question Withdrawn

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