Question Results

Written questions on the subject Efficiency Savings

Note: [R] indicates a registered declaration of interest
Ref NoMemberQuestionTabledStatus
AQW 10799/22-27 Mr Jim Allister KC
(TUV - North Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Health (i) to detail all financial savings identified in his Department through efficiencies since 3 February 2024; and (ii) what programme of work is in place to address this issue.

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24/04/2024 Answered on 09/05/2024
AQW 10798/22-27 Mr Jim Allister KC
(TUV - North Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Finance (i) to detail all financial savings identified in her Department through efficiencies since 3 February 2024; and (ii) what programme of work is in place to address this issue.

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24/04/2024 Answered on 02/05/2024
AQW 10797/22-27 Mr Jim Allister KC
(TUV - North Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Justice (i) to detail all financial savings identified in her Department through efficiencies since 3 February 2024; and (ii) what programme of work is in place to address this issue.

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24/04/2024 Answered on 08/05/2024
AQW 10718/22-27 Mr Jim Allister KC
(TUV - North Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Education (i) to detail all financial savings identified in his Department through efficiencies since 3 February 2024; and (ii) what programme of work is in place to address this issue.

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23/04/2024 Answered on 02/05/2024
AQW 10716/22-27 Mr Jim Allister KC
(TUV - North Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (i) to detail all financial savings identified in his Department through efficiencies since 3 February 2024; and (ii) what programme of work is in place to address this issue.

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23/04/2024 Answered on 02/05/2024
AQW 45840/11-15 Mr David McNarry
(UKIP - Strangford)
To ask the Minister of Finance and Personnel to detail (i) what action she intends to take against Departments which fail to meet their efficiency savings and (ii) if she has decided on an acceptable percentage slippage level for Departments failing to meet their efficiency savings.

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15/05/2015 Answered on 26/05/2015
AQW 43801/11-15 Mr Fearghal McKinney
(SDLP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to detail the exact nature of Health and Social Care Trust efficiency savings for 2015/16, and following court decisions regarding Bangor and Dalriada Hospitals, whether he will be conducting consultations on any measures that will directly impact patients.

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16/03/2015 Answered on 01/04/2015
AQW 43309/11-15 Mr Fearghal McKinney
(SDLP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety when each Health and Social Care Trust will publish their efficiency savings for 2015/16.

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05/03/2015 Answered on 20/03/2015
AQW 40138/11-15 Mr Jim Allister KC
(TUV - North Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development what is the level of cut in the budget of the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission in her Department's budgetary proposals.

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11/12/2014 Answered on 17/12/2014
AQW 38236/11-15 Mr John McCallister
(IND - South Down)
To ask the Minister of the Environment to detail the efficiencies that have been realised in his Department as a direct result of the work of the Public Sector Reform Division.

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05/11/2014 Answered on 18/11/2014
AQW 38234/11-15 Mr John McCallister
(IND - South Down)
To ask the Minister of Justice to detail the efficiencies that have been realised in his Department as a direct result of the work of the Public Sector Reform Division.

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05/11/2014 Answered on 19/11/2014
AQW 38233/11-15 Mr John McCallister
(IND - South Down)
To ask the Minister for Social Development to detail the efficiencies that have been realised in his Department as a direct result of the work of the Public Sector Reform Division.

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05/11/2014 Answered on 19/11/2014
AQW 38152/11-15 Mr John McCallister
(IND - South Down)
To ask the Minister for Regional Development to detail the efficiencies that have been realised in his Department as a direct result of the work of the Public Sector Reform Division.

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04/11/2014 Answered on 19/11/2014
AQW 25232/11-15 Mr Alex Easton
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister for Employment and Learning to outline any planned departmental efficiency savings.

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03/09/2013 Answered on 12/09/2013
AQW 23297/11-15 Mr Danny Kinahan
(UUP - South Antrim)
To ask the Minister of Education what outside guidance and advice is being sought to achieve efficiency savings in his departmental budget.

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20/05/2013 Answered on 03/06/2013
AQW 20143/11-15 Mr Michael McGimpsey
(UUP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure to detail the (i) number; and (ii) location of, job losses she expects as result of efficiency savings in relation to her Department's Arms Length Bodies.

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20/02/2013 Answered on 14/05/2013
AQW 8067/11-15 Mr Peter Weir
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Education whether he can offer an assurance that any future pay rises, or increases in National Insurance contributions, will be met by departmental funding rather than by efficiency savings in schools.

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10/02/2012 Answered on 22/02/2012
AQW 8001/11-15 Mr Peter Weir
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Education what level of efficiency savings are planned in (i) departmental administration; (ii) Curriculum Advisory and Support Services; and (iii) the Regional Training Unit, over the next three years.

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09/02/2012 Answered on 22/02/2012
AQW 2167/11-15 Mr Pat Ramsey
(SDLP - Foyle)
To ask the Minister for Employment and Learning how his Department intends to meet increased efficiency savings, which may involve looking at staffing options, while meeting his objective that front-line services will not be affected.

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19/09/2011 Answered on 03/10/2011
AQW 1444/11-15 Mr Joe Byrne
(SDLP - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Regional Development how internal efficiency savings are being achieved by his Department.

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29/06/2011 Answered on 07/07/2011

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