Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status | Index Terms |
AQW 22186/22-27
Mr Matthew O'Toole
(SDLP - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Finance when the regional rates increase for 2025-26 will be presented to the Executive for discussion.
[Priority Written]
| 07/02/2025 |
To be answered by 12/02/2025
| The Executive Office; Rates and rating; Local councils |
AQW 22157/22-27
Mr Stephen Dunne
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure, pursuant to AQW 20166/22-27, to detail why she did not provide figures for local council areas when her Department maintains information at that level.
| 07/02/2025 |
To be answered by 24/02/2025
| Grit; Housing estates; Facilities; Local councils |
AQW 22150/22-27
Mr Phillip Brett
(DUP - North Belfast)
To ask the Minister for the Economy for a breakdown of the £15 million in the Draft Budget 2025-26 allocated for the Local Economic Partnerships by local council area.
| 07/02/2025 |
To be answered by 24/02/2025
| Business; Voluntary organisations; Local councils; Finance; Economic policy |
AQW 22124/22-27
Mr Doug Beattie MC
(UUP - Upper Bann)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to detail any action he will take to (i) regulate dog homing charities; and (ii) end the automatic destruction of healthy dogs in local council-run dog pounds after just five days.
| 07/02/2025 |
To be answered by 24/02/2025
| Voluntary organisations; Dogs; Regulation; Local councils |
AQO 1561/22-27
Mr Andrew McMurray
(APNI - South Down)
To ask the Minister of Finance for an update on the proposed changes to rating policy.
| 06/02/2025 |
To be answered on 17/02/2025
| Government departments; Reviews; Rates and rating; Local councils; Policy |
AQO 1554/22-27
Mr Pádraig Delargy
(SF - Foyle)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister for an update on next steps, including timescales, for the project to redevelop Meenan Square.
| 06/02/2025 |
To be answered on 17/02/2025
| Foyle; Urban areas; Development plans; Local councils |
AQW 22076/22-27
Mr Stewart Dickson
(APNI - East Antrim)
To ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister, pursuant to AQW 20158 22-27, to detail any responses they have had from Ministerial colleagues in the (i) Department for Communities; (ii) Department for the Economy; (iii) Department of Finance; and (iv) Department for Infrastructure in relation to the establishment of a cross-departmental working group.
| 06/02/2025 |
To be answered by 21/02/2025
| Local councils; Government departments; Advisory bodies; Development plans |
AQW 22040/22-27
Mr Gary Middleton
(DUP - Foyle)
To ask the Minister for Communities for an update on the current status of the Londonderry Riverfront, Walled City, Ebrington and Craft Village public realm scheme.
| 06/02/2025 |
To be answered by 21/02/2025
| Regeneration; Urban areas; Foyle; First ministers; Local councils |
AQW 22037/22-27
Mr Gary Middleton
(DUP - Foyle)
To ask the Minister for the Economy to detail the membership of the Local Economic Partnerships that have been established, broken down by local council area.
| 06/02/2025 |
To be answered by 21/02/2025
| Local councils; Business; Voluntary organisations; Membership |
AQW 21974/22-27
Ms Diane Forsythe
(DUP - South Down)
To ask the Minister for the Economy to detail (i) what her Department plans to do with the funding not yet distributed from the Enhanced Flood Support Scheme; and (ii) whether she will revisit the criteria by which some businesses’ costs were omitted from claims processed.
| 05/02/2025 |
To be answered by 20/02/2025
| Local councils; South Down; Floods; Finance |
AQW 21973/22-27
Ms Diane Forsythe
(DUP - South Down)
To ask the Minister for the Economy to detail how much of the Enhanced Flood Support Scheme which was being administered by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council has not been distributed.
| 05/02/2025 |
To be answered by 20/02/2025
| Local councils; South Down; Floods; Finance |
AQW 21971/22-27
Mr Phillip Brett
(DUP - North Belfast)
To ask the Minister for the Economy to detail any work his Department is undertaking to the support the return of Belfast Culture Night.
| 05/02/2025 |
To be answered by 20/02/2025
| Belfast; Local councils; Festivals and special occasions; Culture |
AQW 21970/22-27
Mr Phillip Brett
(DUP - North Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Communities to detail any work his Department is undertaking to the support the return of Belfast Culture Night.
| 05/02/2025 |
To be answered by 20/02/2025
| Belfast; Local councils; Festivals and special occasions; Culture |
AQW 21839/22-27
Miss Michelle McIlveen
(DUP - Strangford)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to detail any discussions that have taken place between his Department and Ards and North Down Borough Council in relation to the clearing of rotting seaweed and other debris from beaches in the borough.
| 03/02/2025 |
To be answered by 18/02/2025
| Coastal areas; Local councils; Repairs and maintenance |
AQW 21789/22-27
Mr Nick Mathison
(APNI - Strangford)
To ask the Minister for Communities whether his Department provides any funding to local councils to ensure services are accessible to meet the needs of children with additional needs.
| 03/02/2025 |
To be answered by 18/02/2025
| Pupils; Finance; Special educational needs; Local councils |
AQW 21788/22-27
Mr Nick Mathison
(APNI - Strangford)
To ask the Minister for Communities whether his Department provides any funding to local councils for services or activities for children with additional needs outside of school term time.
| 03/02/2025 |
To be answered by 18/02/2025
| Extracurricular activities; Pupils; Finance; Special educational needs; Local councils |
AQO 1512/22-27
Miss Órlaithí Flynn
(SF - West Belfast)
To ask the Minister for the Economy for an update on his plans to deliver Community Wealth Building.
View Official Report for AQO 1512/22-27
| 30/01/2025 |
Answered on 10/02/2025
| Wealth; Community development; Voluntary organisations; Local councils |
AQO 1501/22-27
Mr Declan McAleer
(SF - West Tyrone)
To ask the Minister for Communities to outline any plans his Department has to support the regeneration of rural villages and small towns.
View Official Report for AQO 1501/22-27
| 30/01/2025 |
Answered on 10/02/2025
| Local councils; Rural areas; Regeneration; Community development |
AQW 21659/22-27
Mr Stephen Dunne
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Finance to detail the average hotel occupancy rate during 2024, broken down by local council area.
| 30/01/2025 |
To be answered by 14/02/2025
| Hotels; Local councils; Holiday accommodation |
AQW 21657/22-27
Mr Stephen Dunne
(DUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Finance to detail the total value of rates relief provided to businesses in each of the last five years, broken down by local council area.
+ Display Answer
| 30/01/2025 |
Answered on 07/02/2025
| Non-domestic rates; Rebates; Business; Local councils |