Business Diary

Monday 01 November 2021 - Friday 05 November 2021

* Committee Business relates to non-substantive items of business such as the consideration of minutes of the previous meeting and consideration of correspondence or matters arising from previous meetings
Monday 01 November 2021
12:00 PMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
Tuesday 02 November 2021
9:00 AMRoom 30Committee for Communities

Public from 9:00 AM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:03 AM (24 mins)
Private Tenancies Bill - Housing Rights briefing
• Ms Kate McCauley, Housing Rights Service
• Ms Kerry Logan, Housing Rights
• Ms Faith Westwood, Housing Rights

Public from 9:27 AM (27 mins)
Private Tenancies Bill - Renters' Voice briefing
• Ms Claire Maddison, Renters' Voice
• Ms Jenni Millar, Renters' Voice
• Mr Glenn Willis, Renters' Voice

Public from 9:54 AM (25 mins)
Private Tenancies Bill - Chartered Institute of Housing NI briefing
• Mr Justin Cartwright, Chartered Institute of Housing
• Ms Heather Wilson, Chartered Institute of Housing

Public from 10:19 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business
10:30 AMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
1:02 PMSenate ChamberBusiness Committee

Closed from 1:02 PM (10 mins)
Committee Business
Wednesday 03 November 2021
9:43 AMStarleaf, Virtual Meeting, Committee for Education

Public from 9:43 AM (20 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:03 AM (138 mins)
October monitoring, Budget and Strule Campus - Oral Briefing by the Department of Education
• Mr Gary Fair, DE
• Mr Stephen Van Houten, DE
• Mr Seamus Gallagher, DE
• Ms Sinead Crossan, DE
• Ms Jennifer Morgan, DE

Public from 12:21 PM (8 mins)
Integrated Education Bill

Public from 12:29 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business
10:01 AMRoom 30Committee for the Economy

Public from 10:01 AM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:05 AM (60 mins)
Briefing from the Utility Regulator and Consumer Council
• Mr John French, Utility Regulator Northern Ireland
• Ms Noyona Chundur, Consumer Council Northern Ireland

Closed from 11:05 AM (30 mins)
Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill

Public from 11:35 AM (30 mins)
Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill
• Mr Colin Jack, DfE
• Ms Kellie Sprott, DfE
• Mr Laurence Rogers, DfE

Public from 12:05 PM (30 mins)
Small-Scale Green Energy Bill

Public from 12:35 PM (25 mins)
Committee Business
10:02 AMSenate ChamberCommittee for Infrastructure

Public from 10:02 AM (7 mins)
Committee Business

Subordinate Legislation - SL1s - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

Subordinate Legislation - SRs - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

Public from 10:09 AM (62 mins)
Departmental Briefing - Driver & Vehicle Agency - MOT's & Driving Tests
• Mr Jeremy Logan, Driver and Vehicle Agency
• Mr Pat Delaney, Driver and Vehicle Agency

Public from 11:11 AM (13 mins)
Briefing from Assembly Research and Information Service - Frequency of MOT Testing
• Mr Desmond McKibbin, Research Officer

Closed from 11:24 AM (61 mins)
Committee Inquiry into the Decarbonisation of Road Transport in Northern Ireland - Consideration of Draft Report
• Mr Desmond McKibbin, Research Officer

Public from 12:25 PM (10 mins)
Committee Business
12:49 PMRoom 29Audit Committee

Closed from 12:49 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 12:51 PM (31 mins)
Tenure of the C&AG
• Mr Alyn Hicks, Legal Advisor

Closed from 1:22 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 1:24 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 1:26 PM (27 mins)
Draft Budget 2022- 2025 - NI Assembly Commission
• Mrs Lesley Hogg, Assembly Clerk
• Mr Richard Stewart, Director

Public from 1:53 PM (13 mins)
Draft Budget 2022- 2025 - NI Audit Office (NIAO)
• Mr Rodney Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Brian O'Neill, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Public from 2:06 PM (14 mins)
Draft Budget 2022- 2025 - NI Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO)
• Ms Margaret Kelly, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
• Mr Sean Martin, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman
• Mr John McGinnity, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman

Public from 2:20 PM (3 mins)
Appointment of NIAO Chairman and Non-Executive Directors

Public from 2:23 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business
2:02 PMSenate ChamberCommittee for Finance

Closed from 2:02 PM (9 mins)
Correspondence - RHI Disciplinary Action – Department of Finance

Closed from 2:11 PM (1 mins)
Financial Reporting (Departments and Public Bodies) Bill (NI) - Drafting Instructions

Public from 2:12 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:17 PM (81 mins)
Oral Evidence - Non-Domestic Rates (Coronavirus) Valuation Bill – Accelerated Passage - Department of Finance
• Mr Ian Snowden, DoF
• Sharon Magee, DoF

Public from 3:38 PM (53 mins)
Oral Evidence - Defamation Bill - Committee Stage - Dr Andrew Scott, London School of Economics
• Dr Andrew Scott, London School of Economics

Public from 4:31 PM (7 mins)
Committee Business
2:02 PMRoom 30Committee for The Executive Office

Public from 2:02 PM (12 mins)
Committee Business

Head of Northern Ireland Civil Service - Oral Briefing
• Jayne Brady, TEO
• Ms Karen Pearson, TEO
• Mr Gareth Johnston, TEO
• Mr Tom Reid, TEO

Public from 2:15 PM (77 mins)
Scrutiny of Arm's Length Bodies - Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission

Committee Business
2:39 PMRoom 29Committee on Procedures

Public from 2:39 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:43 PM (24 mins)
Review of Private Members' Bills - Oral Briefing from Clare Bailey MLA
• Ms Clare Bailey, MLA

Public from 3:07 PM (9 mins)
The Northern Ireland (Ministers, Elections and Petitions of Concern) 2022 Act - Update
• Paul Gill, Clerk Assistant

Public from 3:16 PM (3 mins)
Legislative Consent Motions - Update

Public from 3:19 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business
Thursday 04 November 2021
VISITBelfast Boys' Model SchoolPublic Accounts Committee
9:01 AMRoom 29Committee for Communities

Public from 9:01 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:02 AM (16 mins)
Ministerial Briefing on the Support for Mortgage Interest Etc. (Security for Loans) Bill
• Miss Deirdre Hargey, Minister for Communities
• Ms Una McConnell, DfC
• Ms Anne McCleary, DfC

Closed from 9:18 AM (29 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:47 AM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:50 AM (80 mins)
Renewal of the Contract for PIP Assessments - Briefing by Capita
• Mr Antony King, Capita Health and Welfare
• Mr Huw Williams, Capita Health and Welfare
• Ms Laura Erskine, Capita Health and Welfare

Suspension from 11:10 AM (10 mins)

Public from 11:20 AM (86 mins)
Renewal of the Contract for PIP Assessments - Departmental briefing
• Mr Mickey Kelly, DfC
• Ms Linda Williams, DfC

Public from 12:46 PM (5 mins)
SL1 Social Security (Information Sharing in relation to Welfare Services etc.) (Amendment) Regs (NI) 2021

SR 2021 287 The Social Security (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

Committee Business

Public from 12:51 PM (1 mins)
Charities Bill - Committee Deliberations
• Ms Sharron Russell, DfC
• Mr Martin Ireland, DfC

Public from 12:52 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business
9:30 AMStarleaf, Virtual Meeting, Committee for Education

Public from 9:30 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:31 AM (56 mins)
Integrated Education Bill - Oral briefing by NIC-ICTU Education Group
• Maxine Murphy Higgins, Northern Ireland Committee - Irish Congress of Trade Unions
• Mr Alan Law, Northern Ireland Committee Irish Congress of Trade Unions
• Mr Kieran Ellison, UNITE
• Justin McCamphill, National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers
• Mr Mark McTaggart, Irish National Teachers' Organisation

Committee Business
9:35 AMStarleaf (Senate Chamber), Virtual Meeting, Committee for Health

Public from 9:35 AM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:40 AM (55 mins)
Neurology Review - Briefing from the General Medical Council
• Mr Charlie Massey, General Medical Council
• Mr Anthony Omo, General Medical Council

Public from 10:35 AM (60 mins)
Neurology Review - Briefing from the Department of Health
• Mr Peter Jakobsen, DoH
• Mr Robbie Davis, DoH
• Ms Anne-Marie Bovill, DoH

Closed from 11:35 AM (25 mins)
Health and Social Care Bill - Consideration of Departmental amendments

Closed from 12:00 PM (45 mins)
Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill - Report Deliberations

Public from 12:45 PM (15 mins)
Consideration of LCMs - Departmental response to questions raised by Committee

Public from 1:00 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business
10:03 AMRoom 30Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Public from 10:03 AM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:06 AM (1 mins)
SL1 The Direct Payments to Farmers (Simplifications) Regulations (NI) 2022 - Written Briefing: DAERA

Public from 10:07 AM (2 mins)
SL1 The Direct Payments to Farmers (Review of Decisions) Regulations (NI) 2021 - Written Briefing: DAERA

Public from 10:09 AM (1 mins)
Science Transformation Prograrmme - Written Update: DAERA

Public from 10:10 AM (1 mins)
Review of Marine Licensing (Exempted Activities) Order (NI) 2011 - Written Briefing on Consultation Responses: DAERA

Public from 10:11 AM (2 mins)
Draft Environment Strategy for NI - Written Briefing on Pre-Consultation: DAERA

Public from 10:13 AM (22 mins)
Climate Change Bills - Harnessing Biogenic Methane in Gas Network - Oral Briefing by the Committee Clerk

Public from 10:35 AM (13 mins)
Topics for Mini-Inquiry - Oral Briefing by the Committee Clerk

Public from 10:48 AM (74 mins)
Climate Change No.2 Bill - Oral Evidence: Other Stakeholders
• Ms Karen Smyth, Northern Ireland Local Government Association
• Dr Ciara Brennan, Environmental Justice Network
• Dr Thomas Muinzer, Environmental Justice Network
• Mr Aidan Campbell, Rural Community Network
• Teresa Hill, Belfast Climate Commission
• Cllr Robert Burgess, NILGA

Public from 12:02 PM (8 mins)
Committee Business

Suspension from 12:10 PM (10 mins)

Closed from 12:20 PM (46 mins)
Climate Change No.1 Bill - Informal Deliberations
2:02 PMRoom 30Committee for Justice

Public from 2:02 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:07 PM (72 mins)
Protection from Stalking Bill - Committee Informal Deliberations
• Mr Brian Grzymek, DoJ
• Ms Barbara Compston, DoJ
• Mr Andrew Laverty, DoJ

Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill - Correspondence from the Committee for Health

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill - Legislative Consent Motion - Draft Committee Report

Implementation of the Recommendations of the Gillen Review into Serious Sexual Offences in Northern Ireland - Further Information

Review of Financial Process in 2022 - 2023 - Update on Preparations

Public from 3:19 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business
2:05 PMSenate ChamberPublic Accounts Committee

Public from 2:05 PM (15 mins)
Committee Business - Committee Business

Public from 2:29 PM (73 mins)
Inquiry into Closing the Gap - Social Deprivation and Links to Educational Attainment - Evidence Session
• Dr Noel Purdy, Stranmillis University College
• Ms Joyce Logue, Expert Panel on Underachievement
• Ms Mary Montgomery, Expert Panel on Underachievement
• Ms Kathleen O'Hare, Expert Panel on Underachievement
• Mr Jackie Redpath, Expert Panel on Underachievement
• Mr Stuart Stevenson, DoF
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Rodney Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Patrick Barr, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 3:42 PM (23 mins)
Inquiry into Closing the Gap - Social Deprivation and Links to Educational Attainment - Discussions with NIAO
• Mr Stuart Stevenson, DoF
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Rodney Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Andrew Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Patrick Barr, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 4:05 PM (14 mins)
Inquiry into Addiction Services in NI - Issues Paper
• Mr Stuart Stevenson, DoF
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Neil Gray, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Roger McCance, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Rodney Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 4:19 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business - Committee Business
2:30 PMRoom 29Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights

Public from 2:30 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 2:34 PM (17 mins)
Rights for Inclusion - Consideration of potential rights

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