Business Diary

Monday 17 October 2016 - Friday 21 October 2016

* Committee Business relates to non-substantive items of business such as the consideration of minutes of the previous meeting and consideration of correspondence or matters arising from previous meetings
Monday 17 October 2016
9:15 AMRoom 29House of Lords EU Committee

Public from 9:15 AM (60 mins)
Brexit:UK-Irish Relations
• Professor David Phinnemore, Queen's University Belfast
• Dr Lee McGowan, Queen's University Belfast
• Dr Cathal McCall, Queen's University Belfast
• Professor Katy Hayward, Queen's University Belfast

Suspension from 10:15 AM (30 mins)

Public from 10:45 AM (60 mins)
Brexit:UK-Irish Relations
• Angela McGowan, CBI Northern Ireland
• Mr Aidan Gough, InterTradeIreland
• Mr Michael Bell, Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association

Suspension from 11:45 AM (15 mins)

Public from 12:00 PM (60 mins)
Brexit:UK-Irish Relations
• Dr Anthony Soares, Centre for Cross Border Studies
• Ruth Taillon, Centre for Cross Border Studies

Suspension from 1:00 PM (105 mins)

Public from 2:45 PM (45 mins)
Brexit:UK-Irish Relations

Suspension from 3:30 PM (15 mins)

Public from 3:45 PM (45 mins)
Brexit:UK-Irish Relations
• Mr Mike Nesbitt, MLA
• Mr D Ford, MLA
9:30 AMRoom 30Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Closed from 9:30 AM (30 mins)

Public from 10:00 AM (180 mins)
The Electricity Sector in Northern Ireland
12:00 PMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
Tuesday 18 October 2016
9:15 AMRoom 30Northern Ireland Affairs Committee

Closed from 9:15 AM (15 mins)

Public from 9:30 AM (210 mins)
The Electricity Sector in Northern Ireland
10:30 AMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
1:04 PMRoom 106Business Committee

Closed from 1:04 PM (14 mins)
Committee Business
Wednesday 19 October 2016
VISITWaterways IrelandCommittee for Infrastructure
10:01 AMSt. Dominic's Grammar School for Girls, 135-137 Falls Road, BelfastCommittee for Education

Closed from 10:01 AM (39 mins)
Assembly Legal Services
• Mr Simon Kelly, Legal Advisor

Closed from 10:40 AM (30 mins)
Forward Work Programme

Public from 11:10 AM (11 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 11:21 AM (72 mins)
Governing Bodies Association - Introductory Briefing
• Ms Nuala O'Neill, Governing Bodies Association (NI) Ltd
• Mr Dermot Mullan, Governing Bodies Association (NI) Ltd
• Ms Carol McCann, Governing Bodies Association (NI) Ltd
• Professor Robert Hutchinson, Governing Bodies Association (NI) Ltd

Public from 12:35 PM (38 mins)
Comhairle na Gaelscolaoichta – Introductory Briefing
• Mr Liam Ó Flannagáin, Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta

Public from 1:13 PM (6 mins)
Committee Business
10:03 AMRoom 29Committee for the Economy

Public from 10:03 AM (10 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:13 AM (66 mins)
Construction Employers Federation and Construction Industry Training Board NI Briefing - Skills Gap & Apprenticeship Levy
• Mr Maurice Johnston, Construction Industry Training Board NI
• Mr Barry Neilson, Construction Industry Training Board NI
• Mr John Armstrong, Construction Employers Federation
• Mr Ray Hutchinson, Gilbert-Ash

Public from 11:19 AM (45 mins)
Wind NI, the Ulster Farmers’ Union and Renewable NI Briefing - Future support mechanism for small scale onshore wind generation
• Mr Chris Osborne, Ulster Farmers' Union
• Mr Rob McMillan, RenewableNI

Public from 12:04 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 12:09 PM (3 mins)
SR 2016/354 The Student Fees (Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016

Credit Unions and Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 - Commencement of Section 4 (Attachment of Shares)

Departmental Written Briefing - Higher Education and Research Bill

Public from 12:12 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business
10:32 AMWaterways Ireland, 2 Sligo Road, EnniskillenCommittee for Infrastructure

Public from 10:32 AM (8 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:40 AM (66 mins)
Briefing from Waterways Ireland
• Ms Dawn Livingstone, Waterways Ireland
• Mr Colin Brownsmith, Waterways Ireland

Public from 11:46 AM (52 mins)
Briefing from Fermanagh Community Transport
• Ms Anita Flanagan, Fermanagh Community Transport
• Mr Tim Cairns, Community Transport Association
• Mr Paddy McEldowney, Easilink Community Transport
• Mrs May McCaffrey, Fermanagh Community Transport

Public from 12:38 PM (35 mins)
Departmental Briefing - Blue Badges
• Mr Ciarán de Búrca, DfI
• Mr Sean McConnell, DfI

Public from 1:13 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business
2:03 PMRoom 30Committee for The Executive Office

Public from 2:03 PM (7 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:10 PM (50 mins)
Equality and Good Relations - Briefing by Departmental officials on Together:Building a United Community
• Dr Mark Browne, TEO
• Mrs Grainne Killen, TEO
• Miss Donna Blaney, TEO

Public from 3:00 PM (36 mins)
Equality and Good Relations - Briefing by Departmental officials on the Good Relations Indicators Report 2016
• Dr Mark Browne, TEO
• Mrs Grainne Killen, TEO
• Miss Donna Blaney, TEO

Public from 3:36 PM (18 mins)
Budget - Briefing by Departmental officials on the Executive Office Budget 2017-18
• Dr Mark Browne, TEO
• Mr Peter Toogood, TEO
• Ms Sinead McCartan, TEO

Public from 3:56 PM (34 mins)
Committee Business
2:07 PMSenate ChamberPublic Accounts Committee

Public from 2:07 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:10 PM (4 mins)
Inquiry into NI Fire and Rescue Service: An Organisational Assessment and Review of Departmental Oversight and Report on Accounts on Accounts 2011-2012 - Accounting Officer appointment letter

Inquiry into Managing Legal Aid - Correspondence
• Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Neil Gray, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Sean Beattie, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Ms Kerry Harkin, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 2:14 PM (7 mins)

Closed from 2:21 PM (65 mins)
Inquiry into Managing Legal Aid - Consideration of Draft Report
• Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Neil Gray, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Sean Beattie, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Ms Kerry Harkin, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 3:26 PM (23 mins)
Inquiry into Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Scheme - Preparation session
• Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Tomas Wilkinson, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Brian O'Neill, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Ms Kerry Harkin, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 3:49 PM (9 mins)
Committee Business
2:08 PMRoom 29Committee for Finance

Public from 2:08 PM (17 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:25 PM (45 mins)
Corporation Tax - Issues relating to Corporation Tax in Northern Ireland - Evidence from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
• Mr Jon Sherman, Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
• Ms Sarah Walker, Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs

Public from 3:10 PM (65 mins)
Corporation Tax - Corporation Tax and the Fresh Start Agreement - Evidence from the Department of Finance
• Dr Colin Sullivan, DoF
• Aidan McMahon, DoF

Public from 4:15 PM (15 mins)
Committee Business
Thursday 20 October 2016
10:02 AMRoom 30Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Closed from 10:02 AM (56 mins)
Committee Planning

Public from 10:58 AM (10 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 11:08 AM (66 mins)
Oral Briefing from Rural Support - Health and Social Effects of the Agricultural Downturn
• Mr Jude McCann, Rural Support
• Dr Sam Campbell, Rural Support
• Mr David McConaghy, Rural Support
• Mrs Gillian Reid, Rural Support

Public from 12:14 PM (16 mins)
Oral Briefing from RaISe - Rural Development funding for the rural community - background and possible 'Brexit' considerations
• Mr Mark Allen, Research Officer

Public from 12:30 PM (5 mins)
Written Evidence - SR 2016/346 The Carlingford Area (Definition of the Mouth of the Clanrye River) Regulations 2016

Written Evidence - Stakeholders responses to PfG Consultation

Written Briefing from DAERA - 2017 Review of Identified Bathing Waters

Written Briefing from DAERA - Synopsis of responses to the '2015 Review of Shellfish Water Protected Areas' consultation

Written Briefing from DAERA - Efficient Farming Cuts Greenhouse Gases Implementation Plan 2016-2020

Public from 12:35 PM (15 mins)
Committee Business
10:10 AMRoom 29Committee for Communities

Closed from 10:10 AM (2 mins)
Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill - Briefing from Bill Office

Public from 10:12 AM (13 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:25 AM (10 mins)
Licensing and Registration of Clubs ( Amendment) Bill - Departmental Briefing
• Mr Liam Quinn, DfC

Public from 10:35 AM (80 mins)
Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill - Evidence from PSNI
• Paul Larkin, Police Service of Northern Ireland
• Ms Alison Douglas, Police Service of Northern Ireland
• Mr John Conner, Police Service of Northern Ireland
• Mr Stephen Cargin, Police Service of Northern Ireland

Public from 11:55 AM (24 mins)
Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill - Evidence from Local Government (Community Safety)
• Debbie Coyle, Northern Ireland Local Government Association
• Michael McCrory, Mid Ulster Council
• Ms Karen Smyth, Northern Ireland Local Government Association

Public from 12:19 PM (43 mins)
Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill - Evidence from Local Government (Licensing & Night-time Economy)
• Alderman Arnold Hatch, Northern Ireland Local Government Association
• Patrick Cunningham, Belfast City Council
• Ms Karen Smyth, Northern Ireland Local Government Association

Public from 1:30 PM (32 mins)
Consultation for Provision of Strategic Support to the Voluntary and Community Sector - Departmental Briefing
• Mr Arthur Scott, DfC
• Sharon Polson, DfC
• Mr Jack O'Connor, DfC

Public from 2:02 PM (3 mins)
The Housing Benefit and State Pension Credit (Temporary Abscence) (Amendment) Regulations 2016

Public from 2:05 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business
10:34 AMSenate ChamberCommittee for Health

Public from 10:34 AM (10 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:44 AM (103 mins)
Overview briefing by British Medical Association
• Dr Tom Black, British Medical Association
• Dr Alan Stout, British Medical Association

Public from 12:27 PM (3 mins)
SL1 - The Health and Personal Social Services (Superannuation) Health and Social Care (Pension Schemes) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016

Public from 12:30 PM (3 mins)
SL1 - The Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) (Independent Guardian) Regulations (NI) 2016

Public from 12:33 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business
2:08 PMRoom 30Committee for Justice

Public from 2:08 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:12 PM (198 mins)
Review of the Department of Justice Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Funding Sector Model - Results of the Consultation and Proposed Way Forward
• Mr Brian Grzymek, DoJ
• Mr Gary Wardrop, DoJ

Tackling Paramilitary Activity, Criminality and Organised Crime - Implementation of the Executive Action Plan
• Mr Anthony Harbinson, DoJ
• Ms Karen Pearson, DoJ
• Ms Katie Taylor, DoJ

Arrangements for Managing and Allocation of Funding Under the Fresh Start Agreement
• Mr Anthony Harbinson, DoJ
• Ms Karen Pearson, DoJ
• Ms Katie Taylor, DoJ

Tackling Paramilitary Activity, Criminality and Organised Crime - Implementation of the Executive Action Plan - Committee Discussion

SL1: Attorney General for Northern Ireland's Draft Human Rights Guidance for the Police Service of NI, the Public Prosecution Service and Forensic Science NI on Human Rights Standards Relevant to Co-operation and Operational Independence

Public from 5:30 PM (7 mins)
Committee Business

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