Business Diary

Monday 24 May 2021 - Friday 28 May 2021

* Committee Business relates to non-substantive items of business such as the consideration of minutes of the previous meeting and consideration of correspondence or matters arising from previous meetings
Monday 24 May 2021
12:00 PMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
Tuesday 25 May 2021
10:30 AMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
1:02 PMSenate ChamberBusiness Committee

Closed from 1:02 PM (20 mins)
Committee Business
Wednesday 26 May 2021
9:12 AMStarleaf (Room 29), Virtual Meeting, Committee for Education

Closed from 9:12 AM (26 mins)
Privilege - NIA Legal Services Briefing
• Mr Simon Kelly, Legal Advisor

Public from 9:38 AM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:42 AM (96 mins)
General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) - Oral Briefing from GTCNI Chair and Vice-Chair
• Mr Brendan Morgan, General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
• Ms Siobhan McElhinney, General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland

Public from 11:18 AM (49 mins)
General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) - Oral Briefing from GTCNI Chief Executive
• Mr Sam Gallaher, General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland

Public from 12:07 PM (9 mins)
Committee Business
10:01 AMSenate ChamberCommittee for Infrastructure

Public from 10:01 AM (23 mins)
Committee Business

Subordinate Legislation - SL1s - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

Subordinate Legislation - SRs - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

SL1 - Trunk Road T6 (A4 Enniskillen Southern Bypass) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021
• Mr David Millar, DfI

SL1 - The River Erne (Diversion of Navigable Watercourse and Extinguishment of Public Rights Navigation) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021
• Mr David Millar, DfI

SL1 - The River Erne and River Sillees Bridge Orders (Northern Ireland) 2021
• Mr David Millar, DfI

SL1 - The Motor Vehicles (Driving Instruction) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

SL1 - The Motor Vehicles (Driving Instruction) (Trainee Licence) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

Public from 10:24 AM (93 mins)
Briefing from the Northern Ireland Local Government Association – Review of the Planning Act
• Ms Karen Smyth, Northern Ireland Local Government Association
• Mr Steven Corr, Belfast City Council
• Mr John linden, Newtownabbey Borough Council

Public from 11:57 AM (53 mins)
Briefing from CBI – Review of the Planning Act
• Stuart Anderson, CBI Northern Ireland
• Mr Steven Agnew, RenewableNI

Public from 12:50 PM (6 mins)
Committee Business
10:04 AMRoom 30Committee for the Economy

Public from 10:04 AM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:07 AM (77 mins)
Departmental Briefing - Review of Level 4 and 5 provision in HE and FE
• Mr Jamie Warnock, DfE
• Ms Elaine Dolan, DfE

Public from 11:24 AM (51 mins)
Briefing from NI Tourism Alliance (NITA) - Tourism Recovery
• Dr Joanne Stuart, Northern Ireland Tourism Alliance

Public from 12:15 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 12:20 PM (10 mins)
SR 2021/000 The Administration (Restrictions on Disposal etc. to Connected Persons) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

The Rating (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Bill

Public from 12:30 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business
12:46 PMAssembly ChamberCommittee on Standards and Privileges

Closed from 12:46 PM (6 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 12:52 PM (31 mins)
Procedures for investigating complaints against Ministers – Legal Advice and Policy Options
• Ms Maeve Corrigan, Northern Ireland Assembly

Closed from 1:23 PM (13 mins)
Commissioners Annual Report
• Dr Melissa McCullough, Northern Ireland Assembly

Closed from 1:36 PM (66 mins)
Complaint against a Member – Commissioner investigation report
• Dr Melissa McCullough, Northern Ireland Assembly

Closed from 2:42 PM (33 mins)
Complaint against a Member – Commissioner investigation report
• Dr Melissa McCullough, Northern Ireland Assembly

Closed from 3:15 PM (5 mins)
Complaint against a Member – Proposed use of the Rectification Procedure
• Dr Melissa McCullough, Northern Ireland Assembly

Closed from 3:20 PM (1 mins)
Committee Business
2:02 PMSenate ChamberCommittee for Finance

Public from 2:02 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:06 PM (53 mins)
Oral Evidence - Department of Finance - Financial Reporting (Departments and Public Bodies) Bill (NI) – Departmental briefing pre 2nd Stage
• Joanne McBurney, DoF
• Jeff McGuinness, DoF

Public from 2:59 PM (27 mins)
Oral Evidence - Department of Finance - Budget (No.2) Bill and Main Estimates
• Joanne McBurney, DoF
• Barry Armstrong, DoF
• Roisin Kelly, DoF

Public from 3:26 PM (1 mins)
Written Briefing - Subordinate Legislation - SR 2021/127 The Official Statistics (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021

Public from 3:27 PM (32 mins)
Committee Business
2:03 PMStarleaf (Room 30), Virtual Meeting, Committee for The Executive Office

Public from 2:03 PM (12 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:15 PM (45 mins)
UK Exit from EU - Oral evidence session with Junior Ministers on EU Matters
• Mr Declan Kearney, junior Minister
• Mr Gordon Lyons, junior Minister

Public from 3:00 PM (60 mins)
Special EU Programmes Body - Oral evidence: EU programmes
• Gina McIntyre, Special EU Programmes Body
• Declan McGarrigle, Special EU Programmes Body

Public from 4:00 PM (15 mins)
Historical Institutional Abuse: Committee Motion - consideration of wording

Committee Business
Thursday 27 May 2021
9:19 AMRoom 29Committee for Communities

Public from 9:19 AM (11 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:30 AM (64 mins)
Reform of Gambling Law
• Mr Liam Quinn, DfC
• Ms Martina Campbell, DfC
• Mr Ciaran Mee, DfC

Suspension from 10:34 AM (11 mins)

Public from 10:45 AM (34 mins)
Independent Review Panel of Charity Regulation
• Dr Oonagh Breen, Independent Review Panel of Charity Regulation NI
• Mr Noel Lavery, Independent Review Panel of Charity Regulation NI
• Rev Dr Lesley Carroll, Independent Review Panel of Charity Regulation NI

Closed from 11:19 AM (20 mins)
LCM - Westminster Compensation (London Capital and Finance plc and Fraud Compensation Fund) Bill
• Mr Gerry McCann, DfC
• Ms Doreen Roy, DfC

Public from 11:39 AM (41 mins)
Sport and Disability in Northern Ireland and Female Participation in Sport and Physical Activity in Northern Ireland
• Ms Karen McCallion, Research Officer

Public from 12:20 PM (16 mins)
SR 2021/118 - The Housing Benefit and Universal Credit (Care Leavers & Homeless) (Amendment) Regulations 2021

Committee Business
9:32 AMStarleaf, Virtual Meeting, Committee for Health

Public from 9:32 AM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 9:35 AM (60 mins)
Health and Social Care Bill - Briefing from NILGA and Chairpersons of Local Commissioning Groups
• Mr Paul Cavanagh, Health and Social Care Board
• Ms Karen Smyth, Northern Ireland Local Government Association
• Dr Nicola Herron, Local Commissioning Group Chair's Forum
• Cllr Jenny Palmer, Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council

Public from 10:35 AM (60 mins)
Health and Social Care Bill - Briefing from BASW NI, British Dental Association and Community Pharmacy NI
• Ms Carolyn Ewart, British Association of Social Workers (Northern Ireland)
• Mr Andy McClenaghan, British Association of Social Workers (Northern Ireland)
• Mr Gerard Greene, Community Pharmacy Northern Ireland
• Ms Caroline Lappin, British Dental Association Northern Ireland
• Mr Tristen Kelso, British Dental Association Northern Ireland

Public from 11:35 AM (60 mins)
Departmental Briefing - Inquiry into hyponatraemia-related deaths
• Mr Richard Pengelly, DoH
• Mr Andrew Dawson, DoH

Public from 12:35 PM (10 mins)
SR 2021/121 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021
• Ms Elaine Colgan, DoH

Public from 12:45 PM (15 mins)
SR 2021/132 The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021
• Ms Elaine Colgan, DoH

Public from 1:00 PM (58 mins)
Committee Business
10:03 AMRoom 30Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Public from 10:03 AM (8 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:11 AM (77 mins)
Oral Evidence from DAERA - Climate Change Bill
• Mr Colin Breen, DAERA
• Ms Arlene McGowan, DAERA
• Mr Anthony Courtney, DAERA

Public from 11:28 AM (2 mins)
Written Briefing DAERA - Consultation on amendments to the Marine Licensing (Exempted Activities) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011

Public from 11:30 AM (1 mins)
Written Briefing DAERA - EU Transition Update

Public from 11:31 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 11:32 AM (19 mins)
Written Briefing - Committee consideration of evidence - Ports investigation
11:03 AMSenate ChamberCommittee for Justice

Public from 11:03 AM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 11:06 AM (143 mins)
Damages (Return on Investment) Bill - Oral Evidence session with Health and Social Care Northern Ireland
• Mr Mark Harvey, Health and Social Care Northern Ireland
• Mr Alphy Maginness, Health and Social Care Northern Ireland

Damages (Return on Investment) Bill - Oral Evidence session with the Medical Defence Union
• Dr Matt Lee, Medical Defence Union
• Mr Thomas Reynolds, Medical Defence Union

Damages (Return on Investment) Bill - Oral Evidence session with the British Medical Association (BMA) NI
• Dr Alan Stout, British Medical Association NI

Protection from Stalking Bill - Oral Evidence session with La Dolce Vita Project
• Ms Donna-Maria Logue, La Dolce Vita Project
• Ms Andrea O'Hagan, La Dolce Vita Project

Public from 2:03 PM (86 mins)
Protection from Stalking Bill - Oral Evidence session with the Law Society of Northern Ireland
• Mr Brian Archer, Law Society Northern Ireland

Protection from Stalking Bill - Oral Evidence session with the Women’s Policy Group NI (representing a range of groups in the women’s sector and LGBTQI+ sector organisations)
• Ms Rachel Powell, Women's Resource and Development Agency
• Ms Elaine Crory, Women's Resource and Development Agency

Damages (Return on Investment) Bill - Report of the Assembly Examiner of Statutory Rules on the Delegated Powers

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill - Proposed Legislative Consent Motion

SR: The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Record Certificates: Relevant Matters) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2021

SL1: The Disclosure of Victims’ and Witnesses’ Information (Prescribed Bodies) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2021

Department of Justice Budget 2021-22 - Committee Draft Response

Digital Justice Strategy 2020-2025 - Progress Update

Implementation of Standard Legal Aid Fees in Public and Private Family Law Cases - Proposed Consultation

Public from 3:29 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business
2:07 PMRoom 30Public Accounts Committee

Public from 2:07 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:11 PM (33 mins)
Ministerial Direction
• Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Patrick Barr, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 2:44 PM (20 mins)
Inquiry into Speeding up the Justice System - Issues Paper
• Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Neil Gray, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Michael Heery, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Closed from 3:04 PM (1 mins)
Inquiry into Driver and Vehicle Agency 2019-20 - Draft Press Release

Closed from 3:05 PM (7 mins)
Committee Business
4:03 PMStarleaf, Virtual Meeting, Chairpersons' Liaison Group

Closed from 4:03 PM (36 mins)
Committee Business

Update on the work of the Women’s Caucus

RHI Inquiry Report recommendation on strengthening the scrutiny role of Assembly Committees
• Mr Ray McCaffrey, Research Officer

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