Time | Venue | Plenary/Committee |
Monday 15 June 2015 |
12:00 PM | Assembly Chamber | Plenary Session |
12:06 PM | Room 30 | Ad Hoc Joint Committee on the Mental Capacity Bill
Public from 12:06 PM (1 mins) Committee Business
Public from 12:07 PM (1 mins) Background Papers
Public from 12:08 PM (98 mins) Departmental briefing on Mental Capacity Bill Ms Lisa Trueman, DoH Ms Clare Irvine, DoJ Mr Peter Luney, Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service Mr Alan Weir, DoJ Mr Jackie McQuillan, DoJ
Public from 1:46 PM (1 mins) Committee Business |
Tuesday 16 June 2015 |
10:14 AM | Room 29 | Committee for the Economy
Public from 10:14 AM (4 mins) Committee Business
Public from 10:18 AM (19 mins) Oral Briefing from DETI: Credit Unions and Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Bill Mr Keith Brown, DfE Ms Marie Turner, DfE Mr Richard Scott, DfE
Public from 10:37 AM (1 mins) Committee Business
Public from 10:38 AM (2 mins) Legislation: SR The Renewables Obligation (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
Legislation: SR 2015/265 Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Chemicals (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
Public from 10:40 AM (1 mins) Written Briefing from Consumer Council NI: Research into online parcel deliveries to Northern Ireland
Public from 10:41 AM (1 mins) Consultation: Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Northern Ireland – Draft Access to Infrastructure Regulations and Draft Licensing Regulations
Public from 10:42 AM (2 mins) Committee Business
Public from 10:44 AM (49 mins) Closed Session: Inquiry into Growing the Economy and Creating Jobs in a Reduced Tax Environment: Committee Report
Public from 11:33 AM (42 mins) Oral Briefing from Mutual Energy: Moyle Interconnector Mr Paddy Larkin, Mutual Energy Mr Gerard McIlroy, Mutual Energy |
10:30 AM | Assembly Chamber | Plenary Session |
10:31 AM | Room 21 | Ad Hoc Committee on the Public Services Ombudsperson Bill
Public from 10:31 AM (2 mins) Committee Business
Public from 10:33 AM (2 mins) Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsperson Bill - Consideration of Report from Examiner of Statutory Rules regarding Delegated Powers Memorandum
Public from 10:35 AM (52 mins) Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsperson Bill - Committee deliberations on Bill Mr Alyn Hicks, Assistant Assembly Clerk / Office Manager
Public from 11:27 AM (1 mins) Forward Work Programme
Public from 11:28 AM (1 mins) Committee Business |
12:39 PM | Room 106 | Business Committee
Closed from 12:39 PM (34 mins) Committee Business |
12:50 PM | Room 21 | Chairpersons' Liaison Group
Closed from 12:50 PM (3 mins) Committee Business
Closed from 12:53 PM (32 mins) 2014/15 budget outturn and planning for 2015/16
Corporate project to cease printing Committee Reports
Legislative Scrutiny
Committee Structures following departmental reorganisation
Closed from 1:25 PM (4 mins) Committee Business |
1:30 PM | Room 30 | Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Public from 1:30 PM (5 mins) Committee Business
Public from 1:35 PM (40 mins) Oral Briefing DARD – SL1 The CAP Direct Payments and Support Schemes (Cross Compliance) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2015 Mr Alan Galbraith, DAERA Mr Ken Laverty, DAERA Mr Robin Bolton, DAERA
Public from 2:15 PM (30 mins) Oral Briefing DARD – Plant Health Mr Malcolm Beattie, DAERA Mr Stuart Morwood, DAERA Mr Jim Crummie, DAERA Dr Alistair McCracken, Agri-food and Biosciences Institute
Suspension from 2:45 PM (45 mins)
Public from 3:30 PM (5 mins) Written Briefing DARD – SL1 The Non-Commercial Movement of Pets (Amendment) Order (NI) 2015
Public from 3:35 PM (5 mins) Committee Business
Closed from 3:40 PM (10 mins) Inquiry into Better Regulation - special adviser |
6:30 PM | Room 106 | Business Committee
Closed from 6:30 PM (20 mins) Committee Business |
Wednesday 17 June 2015 |
9:34 AM | Senate Chamber | Committee for Education
Closed from 9:34 AM (36 mins) Inquiry into Shared and Integrated Education - Draft Report - Written briefing
Public from 10:10 AM (9 mins) Committee Business
Public from 10:19 AM (54 mins) Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Bill - Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) Ms Koulla Yiasouma, Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People Ms Mairead McCafferty, Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
Public from 11:14 AM (52 mins) Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Bill - Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO) / National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) Ms Mary Dorman, Irish National Teachers' Organisation Ms Caroline McCarthy, Irish National Teachers' Organisation Mr Darren Northcott, National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers Mr Seán McElhinney, National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers
Public from 12:07 PM (6 mins) Committee Business
Public from 12:14 PM (45 mins) Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Bill - Autism NI Dr Arlene Cassidy, Autism NI Ms Pamela McCrossan, Autism NI Ms Donna McWhirter, Autism NI Ms Audrey Mullan, Autism NI
Public from 12:59 PM (1 mins) Committee Business |
10:00 AM | Room 30 | Committee for Finance
Public from 10:00 AM (75 mins) Main Estimates and Budget (No.2) Bill - Ministerial Briefing on Main Estimates 2015-16 and Budget (No 2) Bill 2015 Mrs Arlene Foster, Minister of Finance Mr Mike Brennan, DoF Joanne McBurney, DoF Ms Emer Morelli, DoF Mr Peter Jakobsen, DoF
Public from 11:15 AM (3 mins) Committee Business
Closed from 11:18 AM (24 mins) Review of the Operation of the Barnett Formula - Final consideration of draft report
Public from 11:42 AM (20 mins) DFP Business Plan - Central Procurement Directorate: Performance against Business Plan targets Mr Des Armstrong, DoF Mr Gareth Johnston, DoF
Public from 12:02 PM (1 mins) NICS People Strategy - Implementation of the NICS People Strategy - Written Briefing from DFP
Public from 12:03 PM (2 mins) Committee Business |
10:10 AM | Room 29 | Committee for Employment and Learning
Public from 10:10 AM (31 mins) Departmental Briefing - Structured to Deliver Success - & Assured Skills Ms June Ingram, DEL Mr Michael Gould, DEL Mrs Michelle Bell, DEL
Public from 10:41 AM (9 mins) Committee Business
SL1 - The Industrial Training Levy (Construction Industry) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015.
Public from 10:50 AM (17 mins) Departmental Briefing - Review of Leadership and Management Ms June Ingram, DEL Mr Michael Gould, DEL Mr Mervyn Langtry, DEL
Public from 11:07 AM (1 mins) Committee Business |
10:15 AM | Room 21 | Committee for Infrastructure
Public from 10:15 AM (3 mins) Committee Business
Public from 10:18 AM (65 mins) Departmental Briefing: Performance against Business Plan 2014/15 Dr Andrew Murray, DfI Mr John McGrath, DfI
Public from 11:23 AM (36 mins) 20's Plenty For Us Briefing: Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill Mr Rod King, 20's Plenty for Us
Public from 11:59 AM (42 mins) Institute of Public Health in Ireland Briefing: Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill Dr Joanna Purdy, The Institute of Public Health Dr Elizabeth Mitchell, The Institute of Public Health
Suspension from 12:41 PM (6 mins)
Public from 12:47 PM (34 mins) Sustrans Briefing: Road Traffic (Speed Limits) Bill Mr Steven Patterson, Sustrans Ms Anne Madden, Sustrans
Public from 1:21 PM (4 mins) SL1: The Road Races (Armoy Motorcycle Race) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
SL1: The Road Races (Garron Point Hill Climb) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
SL1: The Off-Street Parking Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
SL1: The Parking Places on Roads (Medical Practitioners) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
SL1: The Road Races (POC NI Oils Stages Rally) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
SL1: The Prohibition of U-Turn (A2 Belfast Road, Carrickfergus) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
SL1: The Road Races (Ulster Grand Prix Bike Week) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
SL1: Public Passenger Transport (Service Agreements and Service Permits) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
Committee Business |
2:03 PM | Room 29 | Public Accounts Committee
Public from 2:03 PM (12 mins) Committee Business
Closed from 2:15 PM (15 mins) Ministerial Direction - DRD Phase 2 of the Coleraine to Londonderry Track Renewal Project Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office Mr Richard Emerson, Northern Ireland Audit Office
Closed from 2:30 PM (23 mins) Inquiry into Department for Social Development - Advanced Land Purchases - Consideration of Draft Report Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office Mr Tomas Wilkinson, Northern Ireland Audit Office Mr Richard Emerson, Northern Ireland Audit Office Mr Brian O'Neill, Northern Ireland Audit Office
Closed from 2:53 PM (7 mins) Forward Work Programme - Draft Forward Work Programme Sept - Dec 2015 Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office Mr Richard Emerson, Northern Ireland Audit Office Mr Denver Lynn, Northern Ireland Audit Office
Closed from 3:00 PM (63 mins) Committee Business Mr Kieran Donnelly, Northern Ireland Audit Office Mr Richard Emerson, Northern Ireland Audit Office |
2:08 PM | Senate Chamber | Committee for Health
Public from 2:08 PM (3 mins) Committee Business
Public from 2:11 PM (102 mins) Review of workforce planning in the context of Transforming Your Care - Briefing from Health and Social Care Trusts Ms Clare Duffield, Northern Health and Social Care Trust Ms Ann McConnell, Western Health and Social Care Trust Mr Damian McAlister, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Mr Kieran Donaghy, Southern Health and Social Care Trust Mr Eamonn Molloy, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Public from 3:53 PM (65 mins) Health and Social Care (Control of Data Processing) Bill - Departmental Briefing Ms Sharon Gallagher, DoH Mr Chris Matthews, DoH
Public from 4:58 PM (1 mins) SL1 The Controlled Drugs (Supervision of Management and Use) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
SR 2015/261 The Honey Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
SR 2015/266 The Optical Charges and Payments (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
Public from 4:59 PM (4 mins) Committee Business |
2:08 PM | Room 30 | Committee for The Executive Office
Closed from 2:08 PM (12 mins) Proposal to Update Legislation to Reform The Office of the Northern Ireland Ombudsman - Update on Committee Stage Mr Alyn Hicks, Assistant Assembly Clerk / Office Manager Mr Jonathan McMillen, Legal Advisor
Closed from 2:20 PM (96 mins) Inquiry into Building a United Community
Public from 3:56 PM (19 mins) Committee Business
Public from 4:15 PM (45 mins) Children's Services Co-operation Bill Ms Margaret Rose McNaughton, DE Mrs June Wilkinson, DE Mr Peter Hutchinson, TEO
Public from 5:00 PM (38 mins) Programme for Government - Briefing by OFMDFM officials on Programme for Government Commitments Mr Henry Johnston, TEO Ms Siobhan Broderick, TEO Mr Tony Canavan, TEO Ms Margaret Rose McNaughton, DE
Public from 5:38 PM (1 mins) Committee Business |
Thursday 18 June 2015 |
VISIT | Cloughmore Centre | Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure |
9:52 AM | La Mon Hotel, Gransha Suite, COMBER | Committee for the Environment
Public from 9:52 AM (26 mins) Guidance on Community Planning - Departmental Briefing Ms Nicola Creagh, DoE Ms Liz Loughran, DoE
Public from 10:18 AM (24 mins) Committee Business
SL1 - The Draft Local Government (Community Planning Partners) Order (NI) 2015
SL1 - The Hazardous Waste (Amendment No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
SR 2015 273 The Planning (Development Management) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2015
Environmental Better Regulation Bill
Public from 10:42 AM (50 mins) Committee Inquiry into Wind Energy - Briefing from Windwatch NI Dr Dan Kane, Wind Watch Mr Owen McMullan, Wind Watch Professor Alun Evans, Wind Watch Mr Val Martin, Wind Watch
Public from 11:32 AM (6 mins) Committee Business |
10:00 AM | Cloughmore Centre, Kilbroney Forest Park, ROSTREVOR | Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure
Closed from 10:00 AM (5 mins) Clerk's update on Ulster Orchestra
Public from 10:05 AM (10 mins) Committee Business
Public from 10:15 AM (5 mins) Newry and Mourne briefing on sports tourism Ms Michelle Boyle, Newry & Mourne City and District Council Mr Matthew Bushby, Kilbroney Forest Park
Public from 10:20 AM (25 mins) Orchestra Funding Dr Dan Hull, Research Officer
Public from 10:45 AM (24 mins) Committee Business |
10:45 AM | Room 29 | Committee for Communities
Public from 10:45 AM (6 mins) Improving Benefit Uptake - Social Security Agency Briefing Ms Margaret Boyle, Social Security Agency Ms Joan O'Hara, Social Security Agency
Public from 10:51 AM (4 mins) Committee Business
Public from 10:55 AM (40 mins) Direct Labour Organisation Strategy and Costs Update - Departmental Briefing Mr Gerry Flynn, Northern Ireland Housing Executive Mr Clark Bailie, Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Public from 11:35 AM (56 mins) Social Housing Reform Programme - Development of a Social Housing Rent Policy Mr Jim Wilkinson, DfC Mr Paul Price, DfC Dr Heloise Brown, DfC
Public from 12:31 PM (7 mins) Committee Business |
3:13 PM | Room 30 | Committee for Justice
Public from 3:13 PM (2 mins) Committee Business
Public from 3:15 PM (49 mins) SL1s relating to the Destruction, Retention and Use of Biometric Data: Revised PACE Code D, Transitional and Savings Provisions Order, Qualifying Offences (Amendment) Order and Transitional and Savings Provision (Amendment) Order - Oral birefing from Departmental officials Ms Lorraine Montgomery, DoJ Mr Gary Dodds, DoJ
Proposals to Vary Firearms Licensing Fees and other Miscellaneous Amendments to Firearms Legislation Mr Simon Rogers, DoJ Mr Robert Kidd, DoJ Mr Stephen Cargin, Police Service of Northern Ireland
SL1: The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Duty to Co-operate with Commissioner) (Northern Ireland Public Authority) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
SL1: Implementation of Section II and Schedule 3 (Slavery and Trafficking Prevention Orders) of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015
The Legal Aid (General) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 - Update on the Implementation of the Reforms to levels of Publicly Funded Representation in the civil and family courts
Proposed Fee Structure for Court Funds Office - Draft Consultation Document
Draft Adult Safeguarding Policy for Northern Ireland
Public from 4:04 PM (13 mins) Committee Business |