Business Diary

Monday 20 May 2024 - Friday 24 May 2024

* Committee Business relates to non-substantive items of business such as the consideration of minutes of the previous meeting and consideration of correspondence or matters arising from previous meetings
Monday 20 May 2024
12:00 PMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
Tuesday 21 May 2024
10:30 AMAssembly ChamberPlenary Session
1:02 PMRoom 106Business Committee

Closed from 1:02 PM (9 mins)
Committee Business
Wednesday 22 May 2024
10:01 AMRoom 30Committee for the Economy

Public from 10:01 AM (80 mins)
Committee Business

Childcare Issues - Oral and written evidence from the Northern Ireland Childminding Association (NICMA)
• Ms Patricia Lewsley-Mooney, Northern Ireland Childminding Association
• Ms Andrea Knocker, Northern Ireland Childminding Association

Public from 11:21 AM (43 mins)
Budget 2024-25 - Oral and written evidence from the Department for the Economy
• Ms Johanna Park, DfE
• Ms Susan Butler, DfE
• Ms Niamh McGarvey, DfE

Closed from 12:09 PM (24 mins)
The Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service - Oral and written briefing on Economic Fundamentals
• Mr Christopher Rothwell, Research Officer

The Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service - Written Briefing on changes in employment post pandemic

Public from 12:33 PM (10 mins)
Committee Business
10:05 AMRoom 29Committee for Infrastructure

Public from 10:05 AM (7 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:12 AM (61 mins)
Overview of the Role and Functions of the Department for Infrastructure in Supporting City Deals – Department for Infrastructure oral evidence
• Mr Jonathan Saulters, DfI
• Mr Darren Campbell, DfI
• Mr Brian McClelland, DfI

Public from 11:13 AM (63 mins)
The Vehicle Emissions Trading Schemes (Amendment) Order - Department for Infrastructure - Oral Evidence
• Mr David Strain, DfI
• Mrs Eilis Ferguson, DfI
• Mr Patrick McEvoy, DfI

Public from 12:16 PM (19 mins)
SL1 - The Kings Lane, Warrenpoint (Stopping-Up) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024
• Mr Ronnie Balfour, DfI

Public from 12:35 PM (5 mins)
SR 2024-105 The Alleyway to the rear of Nos. 92-122 Royal Avenue, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024

Subordinate Legislation - SRs - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

Subordinate Legislation - SL1s - Not Subject to Assembly Proceedings

Public from 12:40 PM (5 mins)
Road Safety Strategy for Northern Ireland to 2030 - revised draft Strategy - Department for Infrastructure – Written Evidence

Motor insurance premiums across the United Kingdom – Research and Information Service – Written Briefing

Alternatives to fossil fuels for passenger cars – Research and Information Service – Written Briefing

Public from 12:45 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business
1:04 PMRoom 21Committee for Finance

Public from 1:04 PM (12 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 1:16 PM (2 mins)
SL1 - The Whole of Government Accounts (Designation of Bodies) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024

Public from 1:18 PM (47 mins)
Draft Executive Budget 2024-25 - Oral briefing from NICVA
• Ms Celine McStravick, Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action

Public from 2:05 PM (23 mins)
Draft Executive Budget 2024-25 - Oral briefing update from DoF - Departmental Budget position for 2024-25
• Stewart Barnes, DoF
• Gillian Blair, DoF

Public from 2:28 PM (3 mins)
Outturn and Forecast Outturn - Restatement of March Forecast Outturn 23-24 - Written briefing

Public from 2:35 PM (79 mins)
Draft Executive Budget 2024-25 - Oral briefing from Department of Finance
• Maryann Smith, DoF
• Joanne McBurney, DoF
• Patrick Neeson, DoF

Closed from 3:54 PM (30 mins)
Draft Executive Budget 2024-25 - Engagement on the 2024-25 Draft Executive Budget – Agreement of Committee Report

Public from 4:24 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business
2:00 PMRoom 29Committee for Education

Public from 2:00 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 2:02 PM (25 mins)
Committee Inquiry into Relationships and Sexuality Education

Public from 2:27 PM (61 mins)
Addressing bullying in school - Oral briefing from a panel of organisations
• Ms Aoife Nic Colaim, Anti-Bullying Alliance
• Dr Noel Purdy, Anti-Bullying Alliance
• Ms Joanne McParland, Cara-Friend

Public from 3:36 PM (56 mins)
Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Framework and Addressing Bullying in Schools Act- DE Oral Briefing
• Mr Peter Hutchinson, DE
• Ms Julie Plackitt, DE
• Mr Michael Leonard, DE

Public from 4:32 PM (12 mins)
Committee Business
2:00 PMRoom 30Committee for The Executive Office

Public from 2:00 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:05 PM (60 mins)
Historical Institutional Abuse - Departmental Briefing
• Mr Patrick Gallagher, TEO
• Ms Roberta Dalton, TEO
• Mr David Hall, TEO

Public from 3:05 PM (60 mins)
Historical Institutional Abuse - Stakeholder Briefing
• Mr Peter Finnegan, St Patricks Survivors

Public from 4:05 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business
Thursday 23 May 2024
10:00 AMRoom 29Committee for Communities

Public from 10:00 AM (17 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:17 AM (30 mins)
The Pensions (Extension of Automatic Enrolment) Bill - Briefing from the Department for Communities
• Ms Hayley Ward, DfC
• Mr Richard Jordan, DfC

Public from 10:47 AM (18 mins)
SL1 The Smoke Heat and Carbon Monoxide Alarms for Private Tenancies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 - Briefing from the Department for Communities
• Ms Julie Lavery, DfC
• Ms Heather Cammock, DfC
• Ms Donna Donnelly, DfC
• Ms Audrey Fallon, DfC

Suspension from 11:05 AM (7 mins)

Closed from 11:12 AM (48 mins)
Briefing from Legal Services
• Mr Jonathan McMillen, Head of Legal Services Office

Public from 12:00 PM (1 mins)
Subordinate Legislation

Public from 12:01 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business
10:00 AMRoom 30Windsor Framework Democratic Scrutiny Committee

Closed from 10:00 AM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 10:02 AM (5 mins)
COM/2024/148: Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Annex 1 to Regulation (EEC) No.2658/87 on the Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff - Legal Advice
• Mr Jonathan McMillen, Head of Legal Services Office

Closed from 10:07 AM (52 mins)
Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 on geographical indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products, as well as traditional specialities guaranteed and optional quality terms for agricultural products - Consideration of draft report

Public from 10:59 AM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 11:01 AM (1 mins)
Regulation (EU) 2024/1252 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 April 2024 establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials

Public from 11:02 AM (2 mins)
Regulation (EU) 2024/1157 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 April 2024 on shipments of waste, amending Regulations (EU) No 1257/2013 and (EU) 2020/1056 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006

Public from 11:04 AM (2 mins)
COM/2024/148: Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Annex 1 to Regulation (EEC) No.2658/87 on the Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff

Public from 11:06 AM (2 mins)
Committee Business
10:06 AMRoom 21Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

Public from 10:06 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:07 AM (38 mins)
Briefing from The Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs - Farm Sustainability Payment Scheme
• Dr Rosemary Agnew, DAERA
• George Moffett, DAERA

Public from 10:45 AM (38 mins)
Briefing from The Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs - Carbon Footprinting Project
• Dr Rosemary Agnew, DAERA
• George Moffett, DAERA

Suspension from 11:23 AM (8 mins)

Public from 11:31 AM (19 mins)
SL1 - The Farm Sustainability Transition Payment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024

SL1 - Dangerous Dogs (Designated Types) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024

Departmental Written Briefing - Inland Angling Licencing and Permit Policy

Budget 2024-25

Public from 11:50 AM (16 mins)
Committee Business
2:02 PMRoom 30Committee for Justice

Closed from 2:02 PM (43 mins)
Committee Business

Multi-Agency Review Arrangements, Safer Communities Directorate - oral evidence session
• Mr Michael McAvoy, DoJ
• Ms Alison Redmond, DoJ

Public from 2:45 PM (64 mins)
Committee Business

Enabling Access to Justice Programme - legal aid taxation reform and statutory charge registration – oral evidence session
• Mr Steven Allison, DoJ
• Ms Bronagh O’Reilly, DoJ
• Mr John Bradley, DoJ
• Mr Chris Barry, DoJ

Public from 3:49 PM (9 mins)
Legislative Consent Motion - The Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill - draft Committee report

SL1 – Proposed Amendments to Magistrates’ Court Rules/Crown Court Rules

Review of List of Specified Offences - update on progress - written paper

Stopping Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Strategy - progress report on Year 7 and addendum action plan - written paper

Publication of The Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Strategy 2024-27 - written paper

Public from 3:58 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business
2:06 PMRoom 21Public Accounts Committee

Public from 2:06 PM (4 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 2:10 PM (21 mins)
Inquiry into Public Procurement in Northern Ireland - Issues Paper
• Ms Dorinnia Carville, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Ms Suzanne Jones, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Michael Heery, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Corey Parr, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Rodney Allen, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Public from 2:31 PM (52 mins)
Inquiry into Public Procurement in Northern Ireland - Briefing from the Federation of Small Businesses
• Mr Neil Hutcheson, Federation of Small Businesses
• Ms Dorinnia Carville, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Stuart Stevenson, DoF

Public from 3:23 PM (9 mins)
Memorandum of Reply - Sports Sustainability Fund
• Ms Dorinnia Carville, Northern Ireland Audit Office
• Mr Kyle Bingham, Northern Ireland Audit Office

Public from 3:32 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business
2:12 PMRoom 29Committee for Health

Public from 2:12 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:14 PM (54 mins)
Departmental Briefing - Budget Estimates for 2024-2025
• Ms Brigitte Worth, DoH
• Ms Preeta Miller, DoH
• Ms Linda Carter, DoH

Public from 3:08 PM (70 mins)
Departmental Briefing - Learning Disability Services
• Mr Nigel Chambers, DoH
• Mr David Petticrew, DoH
• Ms Ciara McKillop, DoH
• Mr Maurice Leeson, DoH

Public from 4:18 PM (59 mins)
Departmental Briefing - Workforce
• Mr Phil Rodgers, DoH
• Mr Peter Barbour, DoH
• Mr Stephen Galway, DoH
• Mr Rodney Redmond, DoH
• Mr Chris Wilkinson, DoH

Public from 5:17 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business

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