Today's Business

Saturday 07 September 2024

* Committee Business relates to non-substantive items of business such as the consideration of minutes of the previous meeting and consideration of correspondence or matters arising from previous meetings
Wednesday 15 May 2024
10:01 AMRoom 30Committee for the Economy

Public from 10:01 AM (94 mins)
Committee Business

Tourism Strategy - Oral and written evidence from the Department for the Economy
• Mr Jeremy Gardner, DfE
• Mr Stuart Matthews, DfE
• Mr John McGrillen, Tourism NI
• Mr Shane Clarke, Tourism Ireland

Public from 11:35 AM (60 mins)
Motor Insurance - Oral and written evidence from the Association of British Insurers (ABI)
• Mr Alastair Ross, Association of British Insurers
• Mr Jonathan Fong, Association of British Insurers

Public from 12:43 PM (35 mins)
Carer's Leave - Oral and written evidence from Carers NI
• Mr Craig Harrison, Carers NI
• Ms Angela Phillips, Carers NI

Draft SR 2024/0000 The Working Time (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024

Committee Business
10:03 AMRoom 106Committee on Standards and Privileges

Closed from 10:03 AM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 10:08 AM (44 mins)
Review of Committee’s disclosure practices - briefing by Assembly Legal Services and consideration of policy options
• Ms Helen Smyth, Northern Ireland Assembly

Closed from 10:52 AM (3 mins)
Legacy recommendations of the previous Committee - an overview

Closed from 10:55 AM (10 mins)
Legacy issue: Appointment of Lay Members to the Committee

Closed from 11:05 AM (5 mins)
Proposed Committee Member Development Programme - update

Closed from 11:10 AM (2 mins)
Proposals for new APGs

Closed from 11:12 AM (1 mins)
Committee Business
10:04 AMRoom 29Committee for Infrastructure

Public from 10:04 AM (11 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 10:15 AM (75 mins)
Overview of the Role of Department for Infrastructure Rivers – Department for Infrastructure oral evidence
• Mr Jonathan McKee, DfI
• Mr Gary Quinn, DfI
• Mr James Kelly, DfI

Public from 11:30 AM (69 mins)
Planning System matters – SPPS on Climate Change; regional strategic planning policy on Renewable and Low Carbon Energy; and Planning Application Validation Checklists – Department for Infrastructure oral evidence
• Mr Alistair Beggs, DfI
• Ms Joy Hargie, DfI
• Mrs Kathryn McFerran, DfI
• Ms Nola Jamieson, DfI

Public from 12:39 PM (11 mins)
Committee Business
10:09 AMRoom 21Committee on Procedures

Public from 10:09 AM (22 mins)
Committee Business

Closed from 10:31 AM (93 mins)
Provision of Proxy Voting for Parental Leave in Plenary

Public from 12:04 PM (3 mins)
Review of Assembly Oral Questions

Public from 12:07 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business
1:00 PMRoom 21Committee for Finance

Public from 1:00 PM (14 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 1:14 PM (104 mins)
Draft Executive Budget 2024-25 - Oral briefing from the Fiscal Council
• Sir Robert Chote, Northern Ireland Fiscal Council
• Jonathan McAdams, Northern Ireland Fiscal Council
• Maureen O'Reilly, Northern Ireland Fiscal Council
• Dr Esmond Birnie, Northern Ireland Fiscal Council

Public from 2:58 PM (8 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 3:06 PM (70 mins)
Draft Executive Budget 2024-25 - Oral briefing from Pivotal and the Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI)
• Ann Watt, Pivotal
• Paul MacFlynn, Nevin Economic Research Institute
• Dr Lisa Wilson, Nevin Economic Research Institute

Public from 4:32 PM (2 mins)
SL1 The Government Resources and Accounts (Northern Ireland) Act 2001 (Estimates and Accounts) (Designation of Bodies) Order 2024

Public from 4:34 PM (2 mins)
Committee Business
2:00 PMRoom 29Committee for Education

Public from 2:00 PM (3 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:03 PM (6 mins)
Outcomes of Strategic Planning

Public from 2:09 PM (12 mins)
Committee Inquiry into Relationships and Sexuality Education

Public from 2:21 PM (68 mins)
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission - Oral Briefing
• Ms Alyson Kilpatrick, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
• Ms Julia Buchanan, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
• Ms Emily Mills, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

Public from 3:29 PM (53 mins)
Restraint and Seclusion - DE Oral Briefing
• Mr Peter Hutchinson, DE
• Mr Michael Leonard, DE
• Ms Judith Logan, DE
• Ms Andrea Kelly, DE

Public from 4:22 PM (24 mins)
Committee Business
2:00 PMRoom 30Committee for The Executive Office

Public from 2:00 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

Public from 2:05 PM (60 mins)
Ending Violence against Women and Girls - Departmental Briefing
• Ms Claire Archbold, TEO
• Ms Geraldine Fee, TEO
• Mr Ryan Sommerville, TEO

Public from 3:05 PM (60 mins)
Ending Violence against Women and Girls - Stakeholder Briefing
• Ms Louise Coyle, Northern Ireland Rural Women's Network
• Ms Sarah Mason, Women's Aid Federation Northern Ireland
• Ms Joanne Barnes, Nexus
• Ms Elaine Crory, Women's Resource and Development Agency
• Ms Karen Sweeney, Rape Crisis

Public from 4:05 PM (60 mins)
Ending Violence against Women and Girls - Women's Centre Briefing
• Ms Eleanor Jordan, Windsor Women's Centre
• Ms Lisa Maclean, Footprints Women's Centre
• Ms Catherine Barr, The Women's Centre Derry

Public from 5:05 PM (5 mins)
Committee Business

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