All Party Groups

All Party Group Business Diary

What are All Party Groups?

All Party Groups provide a forum by which MLAs and outside organisations and individuals can meet to discuss shared interests in a particular cause or subject.

The Register All Party Groups

All Party Groups must submit an application form for Registration.

A Register of All Party Groups is compiled and maintained by the Clerk of Standards and is regulated by the Committee on Standards and Privileges. The Register is available for inspection by Members in the Assembly Library and available for public inspection, by appointment, in the office of the Clerk of Standards.

The main purpose of the Register is to record which All Party Groups are recognised by the Assembly; who their officers are, and details of any assistance the Group may receive from outside the Assembly.

All Party Group Rules

All Party Groups 2011-16

All Party Groups – current mandate

All-Party Group meetings during current public health crisis

All-Party Group meetings during current public health crisis – supplementary guidance

All-Party Group meetings during the current public health crisis – updated guidance 5 August 2021

All-Party Group: All-Party Notice template to propose the establishment of a new APG

All-Party Group meetings during current public health crisis – supplementary guidance

Enquiries and Contact Information

For correspondence and information on the activities of specific All Party Groups please use the contact details provided by each Group.

For general information on All Party Groups (e.g. general guidance, information on registration and application forms) please contact:

Mr Shane McAteer
Clerk of Standards
Room 254
Parliament Buildings

Tel: 028 905 21843

All Party Groups

All-Party Group on Access to Justice
All-Party Group on Active Travel
All-Party Group on Addiction and Dual Diagnosis
All-Party Group on ADHD
All-Party Group on Ageing and Older People
All-Party Group on Animal Welfare
All-Party Group on Arts
All-Party Group on Autism
All-Party Group on Cancer
All-Party Group on Carers
All-Party Group on Climate Action
All-Party Group on Community Pharmacy
All-Party Group on Construction
All-Party Group on Dementia
All-Party Group on Diabetes
All-Party Group on Disability
All-Party Group on Domestic and Sexual Violence
All-Party Group on Early Education and Childcare
All-Party Group on Ethnic Minority Community
All-Party Group on Football
All-Party Group on Fuel Poverty
All-Party Group on Further and Higher Education
All-Party Group on Homelessness
All-Party Group on Housing
All-Party Group on International Development
All-Party Group on Learning Disability
All-Party Group on LGBTQIA+ Equality
All-Party Group on Lung Health
All-Party Group on Mental Health
All-Party Group on Micro and Small Business
All-Party Group on MS and Neurology
All-Party Group on Parental Participation in Education
All-Party Group on Press Freedom and Media Sustainability
All-Party Group on Preventing Loneliness
All-Party Group on Rare Disease
All-Party Group on Reducing Harm Related to Gambling
All-Party Group on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
All-Party Group on Skills
All-Party Group on Social Enterprise
All-Party group on Sports and Physical Recreation
All-Party Group on Stroke
All-Party Group on Suicide Prevention
All-Party Group on Terminal Illness
All-Party Group on Tourette's
All-Party Group on Universal Basic Income
All-Party Group on UNSCR 1325, Women, Peace and Security
All-Party Group on Visual Impairment
All-Party Group on Voluntary and Community Sector
All-Party Group on Women's Health
All-Party Group on Youth Participation

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