All-Party Group on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Purpose: To bring together Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly and others with an interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in Northern Ireland with the aim of raising awareness among MLAs of important developments in STEM, both technological and educational and how policy issues impact upon these areas. The APG will hold focussed meetings, with debates opened by guest speakers who are active in the fields of interest.

Dr Steve Aiken OBE

Ulster Unionist Party

South Antrim

Mr Tom Buchanan

Democratic Unionist Party

West Tyrone

Mr Robbie Butler

Ulster Unionist Party

Lagan Valley

Mr Pádraig Delargy

Sinn Féin


Mr Stewart Dickson

Alliance Party

East Antrim

Ms Diane Forsythe

Democratic Unionist Party

South Down

Mr Harry Harvey

Democratic Unionist Party


Mr Colin McGrath

Social Democratic and Labour Party

South Down

Mr John Stewart

Ulster Unionist Party

East Antrim

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