1. Employment and Earnings
2. Donations and other support
Alliance Party: provided a donation of £4,970.29 towards May 2022 Election costs, received on 5 May 2022 (direct support from own party organisation).
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality
4. Visits
24-26 September 2023: I travelled to Boston, USA to participate in a panel debate as part of an event to mark the Good Friday Agreement 25th Anniversary, which was organised by the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate. The cost of return flights (£842.78), two nights’ accommodation (US$853.08) and transfer costs from the hotel to the Institute (US$60) were met by the Edward M. Kennedy Institute. (Registered 19 October 2023)
5. Shareholdings
6. Land and Property
7. Miscellaneous
Previously a member of the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC) Pension Scheme, arising from employment with Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Translink; and Ards and North Down Borough Council.
Previously a member of Kingfisher Retirement Trust, arising from employment with Woolworths.
My stepfather is a Quality Manager for the A6 Dungiven and Drumahoe Dualling Project.
8. Unremunerated interests
Member, Board of Governors, Priory Integrated College, Holywood. (Ceased 6 February 2024)
Member, Board of Governors, Rathmore Primary School, Bangor.
Event Director, Crawfordsburn Parkrun. (Ceased 4 February 2024)
Volunteer Ranger, Sustrans Cycling. (Ceased 6 February 2024)
Honorary Member, North Down Cycling Club.
Member, Holywood Conservation Group. (Ceased 1 June 2023)
Member, Amnesty International.
Member, Ulster Architectural Heritage Society.
Member, European Movement. (Ceased 31 October 2024)
Member, National Secular Society (Note: this interest had ceased on 31 January 2018, which was prior to the registration date). (Ceased 9 June 2022)
Member, Campaign for Better Transport. (Ceased 20 February 2024)
Member, Friends of Columbanus, Bangor.
Member, Friends of the Earth. (Ceased 6 February 2024)
Member, North Down Athletic Club (Members' Appeal Committee) (commenced 17 January 2024) (Registered 17 January 2024)
Treasurer, Bangor Pride Committee (commenced 7 November 2023) (Registered 21 April 2024)
9. Family members who benefit from Office Cost Expenditure