Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQO 1627/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs to outline the timeline for the delivery of a Deposit Return Scheme.
| 13/02/2025 |
To be answered on 25/02/2025
AQW 22513/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister for Infrastructure to detail when the improvement works at Cairnshill park and ride facility will (i) begin; and (ii) be completed.
[Priority Written]
| 13/02/2025 |
To be answered by 18/02/2025
AQW 22512/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister for the Economy for her assessment of any connections between Northern Ireland's low levels of regional research and development expenditure and our relatively low levels of productivity.
| 13/02/2025 |
To be answered by 28/02/2025
AQW 22511/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister for the Economy for an update on the implementation of the Screen Industries Sectoral Action Plan.
| 13/02/2025 |
To be answered by 28/02/2025
AQW 22510/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister for the Economy to detail (i) which Local Economic Partnerships have met since the previous Minister's announcement on boosting regional economic performance; (ii) when those meetings took place; and (iii) the outcomes from those meetings.
| 13/02/2025 |
To be answered by 28/02/2025
AQW 22509/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister for the Economy, in relation to plans to develop new electricity interconnection projects on a north-south and east-west basis, to detail how her Department is coordinating with industry and education partners to ensure we have the skills capacity in the system to deliver on these schemes.
| 13/02/2025 |
To be answered by 28/02/2025
AQW 22321/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Health when he will answer (i) AQW 13929/22-27; (ii) AQW 20041/22-27; and (iii) AQW 20043/22-27.
[Priority Written]
| 11/02/2025 |
To be answered by 14/02/2025
AQW 22320/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Health, pursuant to AQW 21283/22-27, and in relation to the ongoing review of support for Department-funded students on Allied Health Professional courses, to detail any plans he has to increase bursaries for nursing students.
| 11/02/2025 |
To be answered by 26/02/2025
AQW 22241/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Education to detail (i) how he intends to spend the £50 million he has been allocated by the Executive for Early Learning and Childcare; and (ii) whether this will include an allocation to fund an increase in the cap for the Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme.
[Priority Written]
+ Display Answer
| 10/02/2025 |
Answered on 12/02/2025
AQW 22240/22-27
Ms Kate Nicholl
(APNI - South Belfast)
To ask the Minister of Education how he plans to incorporate the skills needs within our economy, identified by the Northern Ireland Skills Barometer 2022-23, in his review of the school curriculum.
| 10/02/2025 |
To be answered by 25/02/2025