Ref No | Member | Question | Tabled | Status |
AQO 9777/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister for Employment and Learning for an update on the completion of the European Social Fund 2007-2013.
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| 18/02/2016 |
Answered on 02/03/2016
AQO 9548/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development how many trees have been felled in the last two years to limit the spread of each tree disease.
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| 21/01/2016 |
Answered on 02/02/2016
AQO 9376/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure what action she has taken to consult the Arts Council and other arts bodies about the 2016-17 budget.
+ Display Answer
| 04/01/2016 |
Answered on 12/01/2016
AQO 9410/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister for Employment and Learning to outline the cost of training a teacher.
View Official Report for AQO 9410/11-16
| 07/01/2016 |
Answered on 19/01/2016
AQO 9285/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Finance and Personnel why, in the November monitoring round, her Department included a reduced budget requirement for depreciation of £1.9m.
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| 26/11/2015 |
Answered on 08/12/2015
AQW 51818/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, pursuant to AQW 50330/11-16 that was submitted on 3 November 2015, to detail when he will provide a response.
[Priority Written]
| 02/12/2015 |
Question Withdrawn
AQO 9213/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Education, following the cessation of the Primary Modern Languages Programme, to outline the assistance bring provided to primary schools to encourage the introduction of modern foreign languages to pupils.
+ Display Answer
| 19/11/2015 |
Answered on 01/12/2015
AQO 9179/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure for an update on her current budget position.
View Official Report for AQO 9179/11-16
| 12/11/2015 |
Answered on 24/11/2015
AQW 50704/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister for Social Development to detail the number of properties owned by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive in North Down that have (a) one bedroom; (b) two bedrooms; and (iii) three bedrooms.
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| 10/11/2015 |
Answered on 20/11/2015
AQO 9075/11-16
Mr Leslie Cree MBE
(UUP - North Down)
To ask the Minister of Finance and Personnel for an update on both the Executive's budget position and financial plans for the remainder of 2015-16.
View Official Report for AQO 9075/11-16
| 05/11/2015 |
Answered on 16/11/2015