
Clause 13 - Consideration Stage - Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill (NIA Bill 62/11-16)

Clause 13 - Consideration Stage - Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill (NIA Bill 62/11-16)
Clause 13 - Consideration Stage - Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill (NIA Bill 62/11-16)
Private Members' Motion
View Official Report

82 Members voted, of which 47 voted AYE [57.3%]

34 Nationalists voted, of which 0 voted AYE [0%]

40 Unionists voted, of which 39 voted AYE [97.5%]

8 Others voted, of which 8 voted AYE [100%]

11 Members voted in both lobbies and are not included in these results

The Motion Was Negatived, Cross-Community Lobby Division

MLA NameDesignationVoted
Mr Steven Agnew OtherAYE
Mr Jim Allister KC UnionistAYE
Mr Sydney Anderson UnionistAYE
Mr Alex Attwood NationalistNO
Mr Cathal Boylan NationalistNO
Ms Paula Bradley UnionistAYE
Mr Tom Buchanan UnionistAYE
Mrs Pam Cameron UnionistAYE
Mr Gregory Campbell UnionistAYE
Mr Trevor Clarke UnionistAYE
Mrs Judith Cochrane OtherAYE
Mr Adrian Cochrane-Watson UnionistABSTAINED
Mr Jonathan Craig UnionistAYE
Mr Leslie Cree MBE UnionistABSTAINED
Mr Stewart Dickson OtherAYE
Mrs Jo-Anne Dobson UnionistABSTAINED
Mr Sammy Douglas MBE, MCA UnionistAYE
Mr Gordon Dunne UnionistAYE
Mr Mark Durkan NationalistNO
Mr Alex Easton UnionistAYE
Mr Colum Eastwood NationalistNO
Ms Megan Fearon NationalistNO
Mr Phil Flanagan NationalistNO
Mr David Ford OtherAYE
Mrs Arlene Foster UnionistAYE
Mr Paul Frew UnionistAYE
Mr Samuel Gardiner MBE UnionistABSTAINED
Mr Paul Girvan UnionistAYE
Mr Paul Givan UnionistAYE
Mrs Brenda Hale UnionistAYE
Mr Simon Hamilton UnionistAYE
Mr Chris Hazzard NationalistNO
Mr David Hilditch UnionistAYE
Mr William Humphrey UnionistAYE
Mr Ross Hussey UnionistABSTAINED
Mr William Irwin UnionistAYE
Mrs Dolores Kelly NationalistNO
Mr Gerry Kelly NationalistNO
Mr Danny Kennedy UnionistABSTAINED
Ms Anna Lo MBE OtherAYE
Mr Trevor Lunn OtherAYE
Mr Seán Lynch NationalistNO
Mr Gordon Lyons UnionistAYE
Mr Chris Lyttle OtherAYE
Mr Declan McAleer NationalistNO
Mr John McCallister UnionistAYE
Mr Fra McCann NationalistNO
Ms Jennifer McCann NationalistNO
Mr Kieran McCarthy OtherAYE
Mr Raymond McCartney NationalistNO
Mr Nelson McCausland UnionistAYE
Ms Rosaleen McCorley NationalistNO
Mr Ian McCrea UnionistAYE
Mr Barry McElduff NationalistNO
Ms Bronwyn McGahan NationalistNO
Mr Michael McGimpsey UnionistABSTAINED
Mr Patsy McGlone NationalistNO
Mr Martin McGuinness NationalistNO
Mr David McIlveen UnionistAYE
Miss Michelle McIlveen UnionistAYE
Mr Daithí McKay NationalistNO
Mrs Karen McKevitt NationalistNO
Mr Fearghal McKinney NationalistNO
Ms Maeve McLaughlin NationalistNO
Mr Oliver McMullan NationalistNO
Mr David McNarry UnionistAYE
Mr Adrian McQuillan UnionistAYE
Mr Alban Maginness NationalistNO
Mr Alex Maskey NationalistNO
Mr Gary Middleton UnionistAYE
Mr Ian Milne NationalistNO
Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley UnionistAYE
Mr Stephen Moutray UnionistAYE
Mr Conor Murphy NationalistNO
Mr Mike Nesbitt UnionistABSTAINED
Mr Robin Newton UnionistAYE
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín NationalistNO
Mr Cathal Ó hOisín NationalistNO
Mr Máirtín Ó Muilleoir NationalistNO
Mr John O'Dowd NationalistNO
Ms Michelle O'Neill NationalistNO
Mrs Sandra Overend UnionistABSTAINED
Mr Alastair Patterson UnionistABSTAINED
Mrs Emma Pengelly UnionistAYE
Mr Edwin Poots UnionistAYE
Mr George Robinson MBE UnionistAYE
Mr Alastair Ross UnionistAYE
Ms Caitríona Ruane NationalistNO
Mr Mervyn Storey UnionistAYE
Ms Claire Sugden UnionistNO
Mr Robin Swann UnionistABSTAINED
Mr Peter Weir UnionistAYE
Mr Jim Wells UnionistAYE

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