
Supply Resolution for the Northern Ireland Main Estimates 2016-17

Supply Resolution for the Northern Ireland Main Estimates 2016-17
That this Assembly approves that a sum, not exceeding £7,986,369,200, be granted out of the Consolidated Fund, for or towards defraying the charges for Northern Ireland Departments, the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission, the Food Standards Agency, the Northern Ireland Audit Office, the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation, the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman and the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland for the year ending 31 March 2017; and that resources, not exceeding £8,693,136,600, be authorised for use by Northern Ireland Departments, the Northern Ireland Assembly Commission, the Food Standards Agency, the Northern Ireland Audit Office, the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation, the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman and the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland for the year ending 31 March 2017 as summarised for each Department or other public body in Columns 3 (b) and 3 (a) of Table 1.3 in the volume of the Northern Ireland Estimates 2016-17 that was laid before the Assembly on 1 June 2016.
Executive Motion
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66 Members voted, of which 56 voted AYE [84.8%]

25 Nationalists voted, of which 25 voted AYE [100%]

32 Unionists voted, of which 31 voted AYE [96.9%]

9 Others voted, of which 0 voted AYE [0%]

The Motion Was Carried By Cross Community Consent, Cross-Community Lobby Division

MLA NameDesignationVoted
Mr Steven Agnew OtherNO
Mr Jim Allister KC UnionistNO
Mr Sydney Anderson UnionistAYE
Dr Caoimhe Archibald NationalistAYE
Ms Kellie Armstrong OtherNO
Mr Jonathan Bell UnionistAYE
Mr Cathal Boylan NationalistAYE
Ms Michaela Boyle NationalistAYE
Mr Maurice Bradley UnionistAYE
Ms Paula Bradley UnionistAYE
Ms Paula Bradshaw OtherNO
Mr Keith Buchanan UnionistAYE
Ms Joanne Bunting UnionistAYE
Mrs Pam Cameron UnionistAYE
Mr Trevor Clarke UnionistAYE
Mr Stewart Dickson OtherNO
Mrs Linda Dillon NationalistAYE
Mr Sammy Douglas MBE, MCA UnionistAYE
Mr Gordon Dunne UnionistAYE
Mr Alex Easton UnionistAYE
Dr Stephen Farry OtherNO
Ms Megan Fearon NationalistAYE
Mr David Ford OtherNO
Ms Michelle Gildernew NationalistAYE
Mr Paul Girvan UnionistAYE
Mr Paul Givan UnionistAYE
Mrs Brenda Hale UnionistAYE
Mr Simon Hamilton UnionistAYE
Mr Chris Hazzard NationalistAYE
Mr William Irwin UnionistAYE
Mr Declan Kearney NationalistAYE
Mr Gerry Kelly NationalistAYE
Mrs Emma Little-Pengelly UnionistAYE
Ms Carla Lockhart UnionistAYE
Mr Phillip Logan UnionistAYE
Mrs Naomi Long OtherNO
Mr Trevor Lunn OtherNO
Mr Seán Lynch NationalistAYE
Mr Gordon Lyons UnionistAYE
Mr Chris Lyttle OtherNO
Mr Declan McAleer NationalistAYE
Mr Fra McCann NationalistAYE
Ms Jennifer McCann NationalistAYE
Mr Raymond McCartney NationalistAYE
Mr Nelson McCausland UnionistAYE
Mr Barry McElduff NationalistAYE
Miss Michelle McIlveen UnionistAYE
Mr Daithí McKay NationalistAYE
Mr Oliver McMullan NationalistAYE
Mr Adrian McQuillan UnionistAYE
Mr Alex Maskey NationalistAYE
Mr Gary Middleton UnionistAYE
Mr Ian Milne NationalistAYE
Mr Conor Murphy NationalistAYE
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín NationalistAYE
Mr Máirtín Ó Muilleoir NationalistAYE
Mr John O'Dowd NationalistAYE
Mr Edwin Poots UnionistAYE
Mr George Robinson MBE UnionistAYE
Mr Alastair Ross UnionistAYE
Ms Catherine Seeley NationalistAYE
Mr Pat Sheehan NationalistAYE
Mr Christopher Stalford UnionistAYE
Mr Mervyn Storey UnionistAYE
Mr Peter Weir UnionistAYE
Mr Jim Wells UnionistAYE

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