
Strengthening Northern Ireland’s Defence Industries

Strengthening Northern Ireland’s Defence Industries
That this Assembly is committed to realising the untapped potential of the aerospace, defence, security, and space sectors in Northern Ireland; notes that these growing industries employed 9,000 people across Northern Ireland in 2022 and provided over 500 apprenticeships; further notes that technology produced in Northern Ireland has been a significant pillar of the UK’s support for the defence of Ukraine; regrets the current low levels of Ministry of Defence spending in Northern Ireland, including in respect of small and medium sized enterprises; believes a concerted effort to incorporate Northern Ireland into the UK defence network will generate significant and lasting economic opportunities, as well as promote Northern Ireland as a global leader in innovative aerospace and security technology; welcomes commitments to strengthening Northern Ireland’s defence industries in the UK Government’s Safeguarding the Union Command Paper; calls on the Minister for the Economy to develop an ambitious programme to showcase opportunities for investment in local defence industries and shipbuilding; and further calls on the Minister to work with industry, the Ministry of Defence and Executive colleagues to ensure our workforce has the skills required to scale up the defence and security industries in Northern Ireland.
Private Members' Motion
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67 Members voted

41 Members voted AYE

26 Members voted NO

The Motion Was Carried, Simple Majority Lobby Division

MLA NameDesignationVoted
Mr Jim Allister KC UnionistAYE
Dr Caoimhe Archibald NationalistNO
Mr Doug Beattie MC UnionistAYE
Ms Paula Bradshaw OtherAYE
Miss Nicola Brogan NationalistNO
Mr David Brooks UnionistAYE
Ms Cheryl Brownlee UnionistAYE
Mr Keith Buchanan UnionistAYE
Mr Tom Buchanan UnionistAYE
Mr Jonathan Buckley UnionistAYE
Ms Joanne Bunting UnionistAYE
Mr Robbie Butler UnionistAYE
Mr Gerry Carroll OtherNO
Mr Alan Chambers UnionistAYE
Mr Trevor Clarke UnionistAYE
Mr Pádraig Delargy NationalistNO
Mr Stewart Dickson OtherAYE
Mrs Diane Dodds UnionistAYE
Mr Danny Donnelly OtherAYE
Mr Stephen Dunne UnionistAYE
Mr Mark Durkan NationalistNO
Mr Alex Easton UnionistAYE
Ms Sorcha Eastwood OtherAYE
Ms Connie Egan OtherAYE
Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard UnionistAYE
Mrs Sinéad Ennis NationalistNO
Mrs Deborah Erskine UnionistAYE
Miss Órlaithí Flynn NationalistNO
Ms Diane Forsythe UnionistAYE
Mr Colm Gildernew NationalistNO
Miss Deirdre Hargey NationalistNO
Mr Harry Harvey UnionistAYE
Mr David Honeyford OtherAYE
Ms Cara Hunter NationalistNO
Mr Declan Kearney NationalistNO
Ms Liz Kimmins NationalistNO
Mr Brian Kingston UnionistAYE
Mrs Emma Little-Pengelly UnionistAYE
Mrs Naomi Long OtherAYE
Mr Gordon Lyons UnionistAYE
Miss Nuala McAllister OtherAYE
Mr Daniel McCrossan NationalistNO
Mr Patsy McGlone NationalistNO
Mr Colin McGrath NationalistNO
Mr Philip McGuigan NationalistNO
Mr Maolíosa McHugh NationalistNO
Ms Sinéad McLaughlin NationalistNO
Mr Andrew McMurray OtherAYE
Mr Peter McReynolds OtherAYE
Mrs Cathy Mason NationalistNO
Mr Nick Mathison OtherAYE
Mr Gary Middleton UnionistAYE
Mr Andrew Muir OtherAYE
Ms Sian Mulholland OtherAYE
Miss Áine Murphy NationalistNO
Mr Mike Nesbitt UnionistAYE
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín NationalistNO
Ms Kate Nicholl OtherAYE
Mr John O'Dowd NationalistNO
Mr Matthew O'Toole NationalistNO
Ms Aisling Reilly NationalistNO
Mr Alan Robinson UnionistAYE
Mr Pat Sheehan NationalistNO
Ms Emma Sheerin NationalistNO
Mr John Stewart UnionistAYE
Ms Claire Sugden UnionistAYE
Mr Eóin Tennyson OtherAYE

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