
Dual Market Access

Dual Market Access
That this Assembly affirms the huge opportunity afforded to our local economy as a result of the dual market access available to businesses here, allowing the seamless movement of goods into both the EU and UK markets; recognises that this opportunity has the potential to deliver tangible benefits in terms of job creation, inward investment, improved wages and productivity and improved regional balance; acknowledges the importance of continued efforts to ease the flow of goods moving from east to west and also the need to mitigate damage to North-South services and trade not covered by the Protocol/Windsor Framework; notes that deriving full benefits from our advantageous trading position will require focused intergovernmental and interagency work; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to work with the Irish Government to establish a joint Invest NI-IDA Ireland working group, drawing on expertise from IntertradeIreland, interested business groups and, where relevant, the UK Department for Business and Trade and the EU Directorates General, to develop a clearly defined strategy to maximise the huge economic advantages afforded to Northern Ireland, with the aim of providing reports to the North South Ministerial Council, which will in turn furnish recommendations under Article 14 of the Protocol to the Specialised Committee on the Protocol/Windsor Framework; and further calls on the Minister to provide an update to the Assembly on the establishment of this working group and its actions not later than the end of 2024.
Private Members' Motion
Opposition business
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70 Members voted

50 Members voted AYE

20 Members voted NO

The Motion Was Carried, Simple Majority Lobby Division

MLA NameDesignationVoted
Dr Steve Aiken OBE UnionistAYE
Mr Andy Allen MBE UnionistAYE
Mr Jim Allister KC UnionistNO
Dr Caoimhe Archibald NationalistAYE
Mr Danny Baker NationalistAYE
Mr Doug Beattie MC UnionistAYE
Mr John Blair OtherAYE
Mr Maurice Bradley UnionistNO
Ms Paula Bradshaw OtherAYE
Mr Phillip Brett UnionistNO
Miss Nicola Brogan NationalistAYE
Mr David Brooks UnionistNO
Ms Cheryl Brownlee UnionistNO
Ms Joanne Bunting UnionistNO
Mr Robbie Butler UnionistAYE
Mrs Pam Cameron UnionistNO
Mr Alan Chambers UnionistAYE
Mr Trevor Clarke UnionistNO
Mr Pádraig Delargy NationalistAYE
Mr Stewart Dickson OtherAYE
Mrs Diane Dodds UnionistNO
Mr Danny Donnelly OtherAYE
Mr Stephen Dunne UnionistNO
Mr Mark Durkan NationalistAYE
Ms Connie Egan OtherAYE
Lord Elliott of Ballinamallard UnionistAYE
Mrs Sinéad Ennis NationalistAYE
Mrs Deborah Erskine UnionistNO
Mrs Ciara Ferguson NationalistAYE
Miss Órlaithí Flynn NationalistAYE
Ms Diane Forsythe UnionistNO
Mr Paul Frew UnionistNO
Miss Deirdre Hargey NationalistAYE
Mr Harry Harvey UnionistNO
Mr David Honeyford OtherAYE
Ms Cara Hunter NationalistAYE
Mr William Irwin UnionistNO
Ms Liz Kimmins NationalistAYE
Mr Brian Kingston UnionistNO
Mrs Emma Little-Pengelly UnionistNO
Mr Gordon Lyons UnionistNO
Mr Declan McAleer NationalistAYE
Miss Nuala McAllister OtherAYE
Mr Patsy McGlone NationalistAYE
Mr Colin McGrath NationalistAYE
Mr Philip McGuigan NationalistAYE
Mr Maolíosa McHugh NationalistAYE
Miss Michelle McIlveen UnionistNO
Ms Sinéad McLaughlin NationalistAYE
Mr Andrew McMurray OtherAYE
Mr Justin McNulty NationalistAYE
Mr Peter McReynolds OtherAYE
Mrs Cathy Mason NationalistAYE
Mr Nick Mathison OtherAYE
Mr Andrew Muir OtherAYE
Ms Sian Mulholland OtherAYE
Miss Áine Murphy NationalistAYE
Mr Conor Murphy NationalistAYE
Mr Mike Nesbitt UnionistAYE
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín NationalistAYE
Ms Kate Nicholl OtherAYE
Mr John O'Dowd NationalistAYE
Ms Michelle O'Neill NationalistAYE
Mr Matthew O'Toole NationalistAYE
Ms Aisling Reilly NationalistAYE
Mr Alan Robinson UnionistNO
Ms Emma Sheerin NationalistAYE
Ms Claire Sugden UnionistAYE
Mr Robin Swann UnionistAYE
Mr Eóin Tennyson OtherAYE

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